just got back from houston, rode 3 days and over 25 miles each day. i am whiped. i will be ready for a race soon. never knew i could survive all this pain!! i luv it!!
Maybe I can get there on Sat. I started selling Mary Kay (actually as an experiment of infiltrating Stepford) and my debut party is Sat. You work until 4, right? It might have to be next weekend. But I can't wait!!! biggrin
It's already wet sweetheart wink
just got back from houston, rode 3 days and over 25 miles each day. i am whiped. i will be ready for a race soon. never knew i could survive all this pain!! i luv it!!
well i worked late last nite and sat down to take a 5 minute rest and fell asleep. woke at 6;45 this am. so missed the belly dancing i've been dreaming of all day. what a loser!! i was buzy at work so at least i have money again!!
so the news lied to me (go figure), this weekend was beautiful... frown

Did you end up going? Are you planning on going this weekend? I still really really really want to go!
Of course I want you to do the other ear! It wouldn't be right if you didn't! kiss

I might actually come down on Monday, well I should be in the city Sunday probably until Monday. If you're not doing anything Sunday night give me a call, I'll be out and about! biggrin
hey i know we should post in the group thing for events, but i don't know anyone so i will ask here--- anyone down for a group ride in mississippi? i know the guys with the horses and it's 40$ a person and i have a big truck and we can pile in . me and boatman go at least once o month. we will...
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I was just over here to check you out because I noticed you inked Parikan and it was most lovely. I've been looking for a tat artist for a while now. I'll have to come check out the shop at some point.

What part of Mississippi do you do the horse riding in?
It's tomorrow (Sat) at 7 at the Park Plaza Hotel (used to be the Raddison) on Canal. The details are in the SGNOLA group. Unfortunately it's $10 a ticket, even worse is I don't see a dime of it! biggrin But we'll be out and about afterwards. Check your email. kiss
shit is really good here for now, had a great week at work and am leaving for houston tues. i will go on a 3 hour endurance ride on an arabian. me and boatman roge on sunday and man that dude can ride a horse!! i got beat up a bit by some trees, but loved the ride!!! life am good
the trees beat you up? must have been a sucker punch, cause I'm sure you could have taken them! kiss

I just realized it's been almost 10 years since I've been on a horse! Wow, I'm getting old too quick.

Have fun in Houston!!
i haven't ridden a horse in years, since i was in girlscouts. (shhh.) but my best friend and i have vowed to re-live our girlscout days and go on some kind of horseback adventure out west this summer or fall. i anticipate lots of saddle sores and sexual innuendo. wink
rode the paddle boat last nite..stayed out tooooo late, had a great time watching all the jerks doin the chicken scratch dance, made out with a younger guy, and smoked my ass off , fuck the captian!!! i luv the mississippi!!!
yay!! miao!!
jazz fest is kickin!! you know it's here when your fav place to eat is packed with tour-ons!! i tattooed my ass off this week, spider webs on this japanese rockabilly band dude and then a greek!! round the world!! i think i pissed off this "bear" guy but he was a dickhead anyway.we seem to be fixing up alot of crappers, so i charge...
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so i got the photo up and got a response!!! what will happen if i get naked? loved yesterday!!! 4:20 all day!!! sure took advantage of it!! turned some shit into ash!!! ahwwyeahhh
hehe, just noticed that you love COPS and people's court. you're alright in my book! wink
wow i got a comment!! this shit rocks!! i am somebody now!!! got the photo up so now please stalk me!! missed my fuckin dr. appt this am. what was i thinking? 8:30 am !!! yea!! maybe next time!!!
Look at you!!!! Big money! Got a picture up, got some friends. Shit you got it all figured out. Watch out now!!!!!! skull
O.K today pretty much sucked at work, i have the best job ever, but it gets old fast. i always have to be the boss[bitch] hopefully i won't kill anyone today!!
hey, just saw that you joined recently and wanted to welcome you to the site. you should join the SGnola group and get to know some your fellow new orleans SGers... it's a great way to find out about cool stuff that's going on in the city, meet up with folks, etc. we're all complete lunatics, but a fun crew. ask boatman. wink

well i am new to this cyber friend thing. hopefully you are not who you say you are!!