Well I am back in town and have had amazing yet slightly exhausting couple of weeks. As my last post stated I left for my vacation to visit fam and friends back home. I was so excited when I got home it was twenty degrees warmer and the sun was constantly out so fuck yes!!!. I got to hike a couple miles in all my old hiking clothes which was so much fun I might have been the opposite of sexy but hell of a good time.
Following the hiking I got to drink some really good and way stronger than I thought, home brewed beer. Woo four of those and I had to pass out and fall horizontal haha but it was an amazing way to start my vacation. The next day I borrowed my mom's car and was off, heading up north to visit with old college friends and watch a bestie graduate.
The simple drive ended up north became a very interesting and nerve racking adventure. I was on one of the steepest hills when the car I was driving decided to crap out. First my hood jumped up scarring the crap out of me and despite my efforts to move over the side I realized I was no longer able to accelerate. So I am on a high way, heading up hill, with traffic around me, and smoke starts creeping out of my engine, well fuck. I finally got to the side of the road when my car dies completely. I was so close to my destination but had to wait for a tow
. At least the sun was out and I could get a head start on my tan but fuck I just wanted to started partying with friends but oh well haha.
It turns out my radiator blew to pieces under my hood, I have no idea why and it was so surprising because my car never said it was over heating. Gahhhhh I have weird luck with cars, I totally one by hitting an elk, I have blown through god knows how many tires, and gotten stuck in snow more time than I want to admit when it comes to cars and myself we are not on equal levels (the car is far above me).
Finally I made it and got to see all my friends and drank the whole weekend away. We played drinking games, which I don't think any of us had done in a really long time, at a certain age you stop inventing reason to consume alcohol like games and just start drinking ha. I also got to go dancing and shake my rump to some dirty filthy funky beats. But as all weekends end this one did to and I had to make my way back down the state of AZ.
Flying back was bitter sweet I love where I live but I can't help but love and miss my home state. I was hoping that when I got back I could relax a bit but I had to move!!!!! Good bye shitty shit hole apartment where homeless people fuck and masturbate in the alley outside my window and hello much quieter and bigger place. It took an entire day to get most of everything in the new place and I am so happy to be out of the other one. Although if I had gone slower I probably wouldn't have bruised the shit out of myself with bulky items oh well.
So now I am settled at my new place and I finally had a moment to blog here. Not to mention I first set is coming out really fucking soon MAY 27th and I am very very excited to see it posted ahhhhhhh so excited!!!!!!
Following the hiking I got to drink some really good and way stronger than I thought, home brewed beer. Woo four of those and I had to pass out and fall horizontal haha but it was an amazing way to start my vacation. The next day I borrowed my mom's car and was off, heading up north to visit with old college friends and watch a bestie graduate.

The simple drive ended up north became a very interesting and nerve racking adventure. I was on one of the steepest hills when the car I was driving decided to crap out. First my hood jumped up scarring the crap out of me and despite my efforts to move over the side I realized I was no longer able to accelerate. So I am on a high way, heading up hill, with traffic around me, and smoke starts creeping out of my engine, well fuck. I finally got to the side of the road when my car dies completely. I was so close to my destination but had to wait for a tow

It turns out my radiator blew to pieces under my hood, I have no idea why and it was so surprising because my car never said it was over heating. Gahhhhh I have weird luck with cars, I totally one by hitting an elk, I have blown through god knows how many tires, and gotten stuck in snow more time than I want to admit when it comes to cars and myself we are not on equal levels (the car is far above me).
Finally I made it and got to see all my friends and drank the whole weekend away. We played drinking games, which I don't think any of us had done in a really long time, at a certain age you stop inventing reason to consume alcohol like games and just start drinking ha. I also got to go dancing and shake my rump to some dirty filthy funky beats. But as all weekends end this one did to and I had to make my way back down the state of AZ.
Flying back was bitter sweet I love where I live but I can't help but love and miss my home state. I was hoping that when I got back I could relax a bit but I had to move!!!!! Good bye shitty shit hole apartment where homeless people fuck and masturbate in the alley outside my window and hello much quieter and bigger place. It took an entire day to get most of everything in the new place and I am so happy to be out of the other one. Although if I had gone slower I probably wouldn't have bruised the shit out of myself with bulky items oh well.
So now I am settled at my new place and I finally had a moment to blog here. Not to mention I first set is coming out really fucking soon MAY 27th and I am very very excited to see it posted ahhhhhhh so excited!!!!!!
I am happy to be home and for my set by Skidtography to come out!!!
Yeah to home brewed beer... I mean to good home brewed beer, ni trust it was good as you drank more then one.... and yeah to your rump and shacking it on the dance floor... would that I could have seen that.
I love your set. XOXO.