I blame the weather, for my procrastination on my weekly video. But, I just don't feel to sexy in this cold damp weather. Please forgive me, I will make it up to my friends, possibly tomorrow, okay... So, wait and they will come! I promise... Xoxo

you are always very sexy

I'm up for work, and it is WET outside:-( We need it though...I know some of you are in the snow and us California people can't take bad weather. I don't mind. But I have to go out in it. Oh well. Have a good day anyways!


I did a few video's this morning, but, I messed up the uploading part. So I'll have to do some video's again later...Sorry friends. In the meantime have a great weekend!


Going to laugh and have a good time...I hope the guy's funny and I get a good seat! The comedian is Harland Williams he's an actor too. We'll see? I love comedy a lot so it it should make my day! I'll take some pics later...peaceout


Today is the day of Love! It"s a special day for sure, have a good one my friends and be kind to others today!!! Love, Larissa Ann Xoxo

Happy valentines day! ^^

It's the total opposite for me, I switched work days so I have the rest of the afternoon off. I made a little video so please check it out and leave some love. In the meantime, have a wonderful day my SG friends and I will do the same! later...


I'm in for a real experience today. Circuit boards up the kauzue! It'z all good;-) I can do it. I just have to be Perfect all day everyday!!! No problem, it's in my nature to do my best anyways... Tomorrow will be an easier day, since it will be my day off. I have some errands to do first thing. But, I will find the...
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Rest well babe you deserve it ^^

Hey SG...

I'm thinking of doing a professional shoot. Because I'm tired of selfie'z and I would like to be PINK someday. So, more than likely I'll be spending more time on that....In the meantime please look for my new video'z Friday! Have a wonderful day people;-)


I've been a tad bit busy, so, as soon as possible I'll get a video done. Sorry I was catching my beauty sleep yesterday, however I will make it up soon. I promise. Have a great work week, and I'll do the same! Out


Hey friends in SG! I am busy rooting for my team! And ready to start my work week tomorrow. But, I was to busy to do my Friday video's. I'll make it up to you guys asap...Maybe even tonight, if possible. In the meantime I hope you all are having a good day. Mine's been pretty good so far. Later...