Last night, This morning, both.... COMPLETE and UTTER Chaos.
Everything was a disaster, fights happened that had nothing to do with the real conflict.
Ive never felt scared to be here, until last night. It was all fuckin bullshit and I cannot believe what happened. I found out some shocking news and Im repelled to sit and think, GOD I really cant fucking trust anyone. What a fucking unsubstantial world jesus.
And now I am contemplating where I will be in a month. Never thought I would think about leaving.
Who knows.
Everything was a disaster, fights happened that had nothing to do with the real conflict.
Ive never felt scared to be here, until last night. It was all fuckin bullshit and I cannot believe what happened. I found out some shocking news and Im repelled to sit and think, GOD I really cant fucking trust anyone. What a fucking unsubstantial world jesus.
And now I am contemplating where I will be in a month. Never thought I would think about leaving.
Who knows.

sorry to hear, girl. ):
Sorry to hear
Hope things settle down and work out!