Hey, SG Land! How's it going?
Today I wanna tell you about my favorite part of my routine and a hobby I've developed over the pandemic: cooking!
Food has always been a sort of delicate topic for me. I was diagnosed with bulimia and compulsive eating disorder 5 years ago, and ever since then I've been working to get on the good side of eating. Over the pandemic, I found out I had a lot of free time in my hands I could use to develop a new skill: why not cooking?
Cooking has become a part of my routine ever since. I dedicate time to make at least one good home cooked meal a day, no matter how simple. From making exuberant salads to trying out baking or discovering new recipes from different cultures, I've learned to create a new relationship with myself through food.
What about you? What is your favorite part of your routine?
@sean @missy @penny