Well after a summer more akin to late september early october the weather has changed to july temperatures. It's been the worst summer anyone I know including the wrinklies remembers. The papers last week said it was the coldest and wettest since 1912 when RMS Titanic hit that rather large icecube and slipped into oblivion. Typically when I'm going to hotter climes the weather here...
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Well i've been listening/watching SG videos today. It's been nice to put a voice to faces.
Gotta go make dinner soon. Roast pork with lots of crackling...yummy! Might even make some yorkshire pudding to go with it.
5 days until Tunisia too. It should be an exciting trip with plenty of sunshine. Thank god the hotel has air con. 24C at 4am is gonna be...
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Gotta go make dinner soon. Roast pork with lots of crackling...yummy! Might even make some yorkshire pudding to go with it.
5 days until Tunisia too. It should be an exciting trip with plenty of sunshine. Thank god the hotel has air con. 24C at 4am is gonna be...
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Another day of rain, another day of grey. This is the worst summer I have ever experienced. I so can't wait for September and the holiday. Tunisia better be a whole lot warmer than this. I'm sure it can't be any worse. It's Africa for gods sake so it has to be warm/hot.
The rabbit it out in the garden on bunny patrol. He looks...
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The rabbit it out in the garden on bunny patrol. He looks...
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I remember when I was growing up (or at least in Germany), we didn't go back to school until after Labor Day in September. Not sure when it changed to early-late August (I know some schools in the states don't start til the end of Aug).
Such a cute rabbit!! What kind is it? We've been thinking about getting another rabbit.
Such a cute rabbit!! What kind is it? We've been thinking about getting another rabbit.
He's a Dwarf Lop although please don't let the "dwarf" fool you. He is a big lad. I dread to think what a full sized Lop would be like to handle lol. In terms of temperement he's pretty good when he know's you. If he doesn't he hisses like a cat and hides.
Another day in England with barely a sniff of summer. Another day of sitting around at home with a poorly knee. oh well might just have to play some more Napoleon Total War. This Peninsular campaign is proving rather tough. In need of some inspiration.
Yeah man, I hear you ! Not much summer here in Finland either.. Worse summer in all history !!
Me too with damaged back so not too much action around here. Wanted to go out and take some pictures but no again.. its raining like hell !!
Peace and get well with that knee.
Me too with damaged back so not too much action around here. Wanted to go out and take some pictures but no again.. its raining like hell !!
Peace and get well with that knee.
Well it's actually sunny now which feels miraculous. I've been given another 8 weeks off. It's making me borderline insane lol. If I can get someone to drive me I might get out later this evening for sunset. Fingers crossed.
Best wishes with the back.
Best wishes with the back.
Well...I slept away most of the last 24 hours. That is not like me at all so I must have needed it. I've finally added a profile photo. It's not great but there again I don't have that many of myself to choose from. When you're usually behind the camera you get to avoid it. Perhaps that's why I like photography so much lol.
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Another Sunday has floated past. TV is pants tonight and I've finished my book (Praetorian by Simon Scarrow). The book was a fun read and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes historical novels. All the books in the series follow two lead characters Cato and Macro who are Prefect and Legionary in the Roman Army.
Praetorian is set in Rome itself this time out...
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Praetorian is set in Rome itself this time out...
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Yay the sun is out and it's warm. Time to sit down with a cup of tea and watch The Tour. They've hit some lumpy stuff at last. 

I've let the rabbit out for a run in the garden. Washing towels (oh joy) and generally feeling sorry for myself. Cabin fever is setting in. I want to be out with the camera not being housebound. 

Just broadening my horizons.