i am now officially unemployed. not that it was much of a job so i'm not exactly heartbroken. this does mean however, that i have to go through the torment of finding another job. i hate job hunting. i hate interviews. an indian family purchased the gas station that i worked at. they just walked in, handed me my letter of seperation and told us to go home. the next day they actually had the gumption to try to call me in to work. HAHAHA sorry asshole. i don't work there anymore. i applied at petsmart but evidently you can't have visible tattoos to bathe pets and clean cages. i didn't know my tattoos might offend the vulnerable animals.
still trying to get all this shit with my disability worked out. even though i have gotten approved for the time i wasn't working, i still have to apply for the medicaid to pay my medical bills for that time. i called and asked if i needed an appointment to come in....they said no, so i went. when i got there it turned out that what i didn't need an appointment for was to come in and fill out an application for an appointment. so i still have to go back. i am more than a little tired of this. it has been two and a half years of appointments and court cases and signing papers.
haddid is REALLY REALLY upset with me. i do understand why he would be. i am pretty much off working on the film. it isn't that i don't want to do it anymore...well actually it is that i don't want to do it anymore. we were supposed to be done two and a half months ago and we still have lots left to do. i have said no to photo project after photo project b/c i was working on this film and there is still no end in sight. well now he is losing his location that he is shooting at and evidently that is my fault. the thing is my sister has a house. she moved out of it four months ago so that he could have the location to shoot the movie. well it has been four months. the situation has now arisen where she has to move back in b/c my parents need the room back that she is in b/c someone else is moving in. he feels cheated. but he got the house with the promise of a two month project. it has been his poor planning that has created this problem. i'm sorry that everything hasn't worked out...but i wanted to work on a professional project. i have put TONS of time and creative work into this and it is slowly turning into an amateur homevideo b/c of his procrastination and lack of planning. i don't even want my name on it.
i know everyone blasts on myspace including me....but i really have gotten back in touch with a LOT of old friends. Rachel Evans is coming into town on Saturday and we are going to hang out. that is all b/c of myspace. i'm way excited. anyways. this is a REALLY negative post. sorry.
still trying to get all this shit with my disability worked out. even though i have gotten approved for the time i wasn't working, i still have to apply for the medicaid to pay my medical bills for that time. i called and asked if i needed an appointment to come in....they said no, so i went. when i got there it turned out that what i didn't need an appointment for was to come in and fill out an application for an appointment. so i still have to go back. i am more than a little tired of this. it has been two and a half years of appointments and court cases and signing papers.
haddid is REALLY REALLY upset with me. i do understand why he would be. i am pretty much off working on the film. it isn't that i don't want to do it anymore...well actually it is that i don't want to do it anymore. we were supposed to be done two and a half months ago and we still have lots left to do. i have said no to photo project after photo project b/c i was working on this film and there is still no end in sight. well now he is losing his location that he is shooting at and evidently that is my fault. the thing is my sister has a house. she moved out of it four months ago so that he could have the location to shoot the movie. well it has been four months. the situation has now arisen where she has to move back in b/c my parents need the room back that she is in b/c someone else is moving in. he feels cheated. but he got the house with the promise of a two month project. it has been his poor planning that has created this problem. i'm sorry that everything hasn't worked out...but i wanted to work on a professional project. i have put TONS of time and creative work into this and it is slowly turning into an amateur homevideo b/c of his procrastination and lack of planning. i don't even want my name on it.
i know everyone blasts on myspace including me....but i really have gotten back in touch with a LOT of old friends. Rachel Evans is coming into town on Saturday and we are going to hang out. that is all b/c of myspace. i'm way excited. anyways. this is a REALLY negative post. sorry.
Yay for catching up with long-lost friends! Hope you both have fun.
Good luck with the job hunting