I had the single most bizarre conversation with my dad ever yesterday. you have to understand for one thing...my dad is 64 years old and i have never had much of a relationship with him. i walked into the living room and he asked me if i had ever heard of the Cruxshadows...of course he pronounced it wrong. i was taken back..."yeah daddy...they are only my favorite band. why?" his response to that was only "they're famous" and was going to leave it at that...."no daddy...they're not very famous. what are you talking about?" anyways....to make a long story short. evidently, he has been reading these books by the author John Ringo who mentions their music in a couple of times so out of the blue my dad decided to order Fortress In Flames, which of course, i do own. my mom laughed at the whole thing and told him that i have only gone to see them 8 times in the last two years...where has he been? lol. yeah....that was just weird...and my dad isn't going to like them....but out of the blue decided to buy their cd. my dad is SO weird.
Good band, though
It's not so much that I need it as it is that someone added a small ton of extra debt to my credit history.