Had my first flying lesson yesterday, in a Cessna 152. It was windy and there was a bit of rain as we headed towards the city but that just made it all the more interesting. I think that's secured in my mind my desire to get a pilot's licence. Now just gotta wait til I recover from knee surgery (happens in just under two weeks), and get together that all important aspect of flight training - money. Might have to cut down on the beer to save some.
Pfft yeah ok, like that's ever gonna happen
Pfft yeah ok, like that's ever gonna happen

Ouch about the knee reconstruction! At least you have every right o sit on your arse and watch tv. Just without the beer. That's gotta suck.
Yeah, i'm really not wanting to go back to work. I'm not in a good head space and usually i'm an awesome worker who can leave her problems at the door but not this time. Call it a mini breakdown if you will