Well 20 years of being on this site and it appears to have come to an end. There's too many things going on with life (house renovations & general youngling costs being the bulk of it, not to mention my never-ending love of beer) meaning I am struggling to justify the cost to the missus. I realise I haven't been overly active in blogging here,...
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So who here ever skipped flat rocks across still water as a kid? Have you ever felt that life is like sitting on top of one of those rocks? It can be exciting while you're there but there's always the fear of falling off and drowning, or even if you hold on tight the rock itself could lose momentum and sink.

Ugh... don't wanna go back to work tomorrow. But then I guess that's what keeps the world spinning hey? Well it's either that or existing angular momentum in a frictionless environment...
The venue for the reception looks beautiful, I've never seen a coastline extend that far, stunning! I need to get myself to Oz, It's actually becoming a serious consideration to move, this country is really starting to suck... but we do have water and less things that want to kill you.

I've only been engaged for umm...5 years tongue . Intitally we didn't plan anything because I went back to uni late and had to live in shared accomdation for years which would have been a bit rubbish being married. Now is a combination of money and procrastination.

I'm sleeping ok nowI think my brain just needed to adjust to the energizing effects of the medication I actually have stopped drinking and I don't think I like it frown
Yay I saw Muse tonight! They were awesome, plus it had been ages since I last had a good mosh and it was good to get that out of my system. Coming out of the place completely exhausted and literally drenched as if I had just jumped into a pool made me feel somewhat alive again, funnily enough.

There were some cool screen effects (particularly...
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thanx you very much for commenting on my set!!!
love love
ho, thanks for the comment kiss
Im feeling a litle dummy right now, and still a litle lost in the comunity whatever


I got an offer to see War of the Worlds (the musical going around these days) for free next Wednesday night. Should I take it??

I realise it may sound like a stupid question, but I've never seen the movie or read the book, and know practically nothing about it.

Answer in essay format.
Christ, it sound's like stonehenge! Not such a great free night out then frown

I haven't been to the theatre in ages. I did catch The Living End playing in London though they were amazing, well worth the wait.
Nah there aint no Robin William's round thse parts either. I put off facebook for ages couldn't really see the point in it but the appications are fun and you get to find and poke lots of people you can't be arsed phoning.
I just booked in laser eye surgery for 10 August.

I've been wearing glasses since I was about 4, then moved to contacts late in high school. Once I got to university, however, I decided I couldn't be bothered putting them in every morning and taking them out every night and cleaning them every time (plus they'd start drying out after about 16 hours of...
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How went? I was thinking to do it too..
Hey @medmusa! Based on this post it's been almost 14 years now since I got Lasik, wow! So, after all this time, I'd still highly recommend it. The main side effect I've had is reduced vision at night - some days it's not too bad but other days I almost feel like I might as well have my eyes closed. By now though I've simply gotten used to it and it doesn't actually bother me. The positives far outweigh the negatives. After the surgery my eyes were a little better than 20/20, last time I got checked (about a year ago) they'd reduced to less than 20/20 but I still don't need glasses again, though now that I've hit the 40-year-old mark I'm sure I'll have to get some soon for reading, driving, that sort of thing... if you end up getting it done let me know how it goes!
After many many years of the best intentions, but never quite getting round to it, I've started listening to more Muse. Everything I've heard in the past has made me drop my jaw in amazement, but only in the last week or two have I started listening to more. Especially Absolution. I am in love, simple as that.

I think I need this sort of...
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The test date was after the Scotland trip, luckily! Scotland was amazing, breathtaking. Test is tomorrow blackeyed

The website is slow coming, enough said! CSS, grrr blackeyed

I keep meaning to see PI, but never get around to it, a la Muse style!!
Gigs I've bought tickets to lately:

- Guns N' Roses (ok ok, it's Axl Rose + his band, but anyway...)
- Alice Cooper
- The Shins

New things I've bought lately:

- Sennheiser CX-300 earbuds. Very nice sound, decent bass, blocks out external noise well. I can't even hear my phone ring at work!
- CoolerMaster XCraft external HDD case + Seagate 500Gb HDD to...
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Yay shopping!!!
<3 Seagate.
Saw Dylan Moran tonight. Felt motivated enough by his on-stage liquor habits to buy sufficient wine to drown a small colony of excited pygmies for myself. For those of you who read my last post, tonight's venture was much more successful than the last. I put this down to two reasons:
1. I placed my glasses of wine in front of my own feet, and...
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Well as much as I enjoy the suspense, I don't have all the high res versions of the photos I want to use and my internet is too slow anyway. Fatal will be posting my set soonish I think?

I'll get back to you later wink
Uh,I managed to completly misread what you wrote before blackeyed No I didn't get an explanation and I doubt I'd get a response if I asked. Seing the high res versions there is quite a lot of motion blur so it was probably right to reject it, anyway its up on the second chance saloon so I'd apreciate your thoughts.

Actually Australia was a possibility for the wedding, well it still is but I do have my heart set on Vegas though, I demand to be married by an Elvis!!!

Excellent, you're aquiring Peep Show you should love it and if you don't well ..um its not my fault.

I had more to write but I'm in a rush. tongue
I know I'll probably later regret coming on here to bitch, but here it is anyway. I went to see Ross Noble tonight, which, in itself was brilliant. The man is a comic genius. He had probably 5 minutes worth of prepared material, and the other (close to) 3 hours was entirely made up on the spot, yet still had me practically in tears.

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Hahaha, but no that is not ok, I would be livid especially with the prices they charge at those venues, why can't people stay within their own fucking space. I can only liken it to gigs, were I've made a point of staying out of the way, well out of the way only to have some titcake slam into my drink. It's infuriating. I fucking love Ross Noble, his adlibing is incredible eeek I think he's my favorite comedian at the moment, just ahead of Bill Bailey.

"Geez I must have been off here for years - 3 journal entries since I last said anything??"
I think they've put it down to a small tear in the fabric of space and time.

As for festivals there's Download and Reading/Leads over but the bands have really gone downhill they have great headliners but pad it out with emo and indie band, oh yeah & its 140 as well whatever I usually go to Bulldog Bash, it's a sleezy biker festival but they generaly end up having some good bands, you can take your own drink in, it's cheap, they and jet cars and strippers between bands, what more do you need tongue

,,,and thanks for the compliments blush
lol...it has taken me many a years to be able to just "pop on down" to things. but the ball is ages away so enough time to save tongue

thanks for the name suggestions... smile

'Nuff said.
Well TLE haven't toured the UK in their own right, they had a crimialy short slot suporting Less than Jake. I'm pretty sure the album is in production so it may be a while yet. Frenzel Rhomb sound great! seems like they would be fun live, I'll definatly look out for them.

What are fesivals like in Oz, you have Big Day Out don't you?

Yeah I'm getting quite a large DVD wish list, currently its Spaced and the Mighty boosh. I have trouble watching monkey sober. That show must have the most spurious plotline of all time what the fuck is going on/??
SGAU National hookup..... please read it! smile
Is there ever anything good on TV? Apart from reruns of The Simpsons / Futurama / Family Guy / Scrubs...

Oh wait, new series of Extras starting next week! biggrin