So, Im booked into this place for 18th Jan
Had a consultation today and im super hyped. Looks like that will be my second sleeve completed with only back shading to worry about on either!-:) fuck yeah!
Weirdly enough, they hada ships wheel on the wall of the shop from Greenock, 3 miles from my home in Scotland, slightly fucked up!
Decided im going to stay on here and renew in January! Pretty good and the site works well on my newly won Sony tablet. Maybe ill start posting regularly again, even:-B
In other news, my lil Xman is skating like his daddy-O. Fuck yeah!
That and ive found an awesome bookshop in Hornsby that has informative and super hot staff who can talk Bukowski to Gaiman and turn you on to new reads. Hell there even suggesting putting a bar in!!!!