I have always loved the ideological anarchy that is achieved on this little island when the snow comes. Every year its like a fresh surprise. Dumb fuck councils looking up at the nucleated cloud droplets that fall and think the world is going to end. The media then kicks in, businesses shut, transport dies. All we need is the lurch or necrotic flesh puppets shambling through the streets infecting everyone and its a full blown frost bitten holocaust. Still I, as anyone suffering a capitalist upbringing, can be guilty of suffering from the type of Im ok jack syndrome synonymous with modern day culture. So yes, I will admit that on this occasion, the system failing is actually a concern to me.
I had to go into the town this morning, and cannot believe the conversation I had with my father, not for the first time. I think he still views me as a teenager. I was not dressed to his liking so he started uncontrollably screaming at me your not going out dressed like that. A 10 minute debate then continued while I spoke calm and rationally telling him that this was how I dressed and I was happy with the person I was. He remained enraged saying its a small town, cut the shit. I need to find him a hobby I think
Anyway, thoughts flying round my head, stuff to do today. Need to relax and go through my stuff one last time. Its not exactly as if I can just hop back If I forget anything..