it's a creepy, kinda cool thing. a thing hard to put into words. you're tired, the day is long, the frustrations are many and yet few because you're playing guitar. there is only the burn of the wire beneath your fingertips. the glassy, fat tone somewhere between r2d2 and broken glass on a tv with bad reception. you travel somehwere. the muscles ache in your palm, your forearm, your wrist. the tenderness increases, the black stain of oxidation smears like an ashed out junkie's pointers across those tips before the nail. the stumbles increase, the weariness is there so you slow, the moment closes and you move to unplug the wires, you move to place the guitar on the stand. you rest, you sit, you think about what next. you get up and pick up the guitar and go to place it in the case. you rest it on the velvet and close the lid. you snap the latches one by one and move to go on with the night. then a moment in the brain, one more something. the fingers ache but th eneed is bright. the tips are tender but the moemnt is back so you unsnap the latches one by one and reach in to remove the guitar once again. you plug the wires back and to get lost like the first time. the pain is gone, the moment is there and the wires take over, the tone takes hold, the moment is there and the brain is gone. then it is later, the fingers are black, the aches are twofold and the spirit has flown to be on a beavy of rush and peace, of vibe and calm and on wings of sound.
life is good. it may suck sometimes and not everything goes the way you want it to. the troubles hold your shoulders down and the weight of the circles of shit hit you between the eyes but when you get that moment, that place that crys a new sound in your head and the only way to own it and understand it, is is to play it and seek what you hear inside then the rest is nothing. it is all nothing and unimportant. it will return like the tide but for now it is not a fucking damn thing. there is only tone now the world will be back but i have held it off my spirit and the choice was not mine to make.
life rocks. i love it when the guitar says you're not done yet. some people hear voices i hear sounds.