so i was feeling bleak. wanting an out, a new path for cash... melancholy angst about the way things are and the dreams of what i want them to be. well... here's what i think... for now i will keep on keeping on because it is what i need to do to even get myself to a place where i need to grow into something...
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i was, but now i'm covered.
and now... more monkeys...
so now it is monday...
last night i made the most awesome dirty rice. turkey burger, carrots, celery, baby bok , red bell, a couple of over ripe roma's, chick broth. it was o good that the comfort level of my food zapped me into unconsciouness and i past out upon completig my second bowl...
so good.
so with all this...
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so now it is monday...
last night i made the most awesome dirty rice. turkey burger, carrots, celery, baby bok , red bell, a couple of over ripe roma's, chick broth. it was o good that the comfort level of my food zapped me into unconsciouness and i past out upon completig my second bowl...
so good.
so with all this...
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good times!
allergies, head colds of snot streams & rockets...
1st ammendment concerns, censorship of art, the zot...
the loss of certain higher echelon voices are sorely missed...
the outside ramblings of discontent, catfighting and threats of litigation.
the call of creativity, the stagnant process and the muddled voice. the weariness of the daze, the call of the dive and the fever of love. six months and...
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yes, make the art, should be good for the soul.........i guess i'll be sticking around here, i like commenting too much.........for now at least..
hope you are feeling better.......i killed that green fairy in less than a week
still slogging thru with the current lineup.......i'm losing enthusiasm for playing and even dj-ing......tonight i caught myself thinking, "this is all so stupid, what is the point?"
hope you are feeling better.......i killed that green fairy in less than a week
still slogging thru with the current lineup.......i'm losing enthusiasm for playing and even dj-ing......tonight i caught myself thinking, "this is all so stupid, what is the point?"
i have been in a fluctuating mood of foul all day since i woke up late. i did manage smiles and cheer briefly and sporadically. life is a major annoyance and this fluctuating head cold doesn't help either...
i want a wine cellar for the red wine i want to stash. i want a woodshop where i can have a band saw, a cabinet size...
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I do agree w/ your gf for the most part. The only thing is you guys pay to be guests in the house. The house would be condemned w/o you.
The zotting thing reminds me of people who lie to those they're close to; the more they hide the more they have to cover up until there's nothing left. Paranoia and insecurity are cancerous states.
The zotting thing reminds me of people who lie to those they're close to; the more they hide the more they have to cover up until there's nothing left. Paranoia and insecurity are cancerous states.
dude, i have not heard from you forever...
Did I give you a fat lip, sprained tongue, and dizzy brain? I thought so.
well, I'm a big seafood fan. So anything like that. I love pasta so maybe seafood pasta? I like pretty much anything. I'm sorry your sick. I hope you feel better.
well... i just found out that a friend of mine, in the bldg i live, was found hanging in his closet of tuesday. fucker.
he was one of us. a weirdo. a strange one. a gem amongst all the squares. he was regular people. good to know. friendly when you saw him and always asked how you were and was present when you responded. life...
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he was one of us. a weirdo. a strange one. a gem amongst all the squares. he was regular people. good to know. friendly when you saw him and always asked how you were and was present when you responded. life...
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i am blase...
about my job and welding is looking more and more interesting and attractive. i was looking thru the welding supply catalog last night like it was a a sears catalog when i was a kid. a friend of mine just got a job using a torch on the bridge.
work is work when you would rather be doing something else. my letters...
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about my job and welding is looking more and more interesting and attractive. i was looking thru the welding supply catalog last night like it was a a sears catalog when i was a kid. a friend of mine just got a job using a torch on the bridge.
work is work when you would rather be doing something else. my letters...
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yeah, i feel pretty relaxed and refreshed today, myself..........guess there's alot to be said for taking a break from yourself once in a while.....
you need to rock the guitar, fo' sho'
you need to rock the guitar, fo' sho'
oh, let me know if you can't track that vinyl down.............
cold mornings, hot nights & thee...
i swear i'll get around to updating & commenting here in a minute....
Yup I'm here right now!
well, the ratio of positive to negative comments is about 4 to 1 now going into week 4........
hmmm i'll have to figure out how to archive this shit....
hope you are well!
hmmm i'll have to figure out how to archive this shit....
hope you are well!
i got up at 2:11am.
i just did. i didn't have to get up for another hour but there seemed to be other matters @ hand. the day went as it went and whatever it was, was what it was and it passed though. it has been a bear of late and the segue to another project for work was so ebeneficial to my state...
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sounds like work be kicking you ass.........hang in there!
what the hell do u get up so early for???
today was good and i floated thru the whatever it was that was.
how have you been doing lately? i have not heard from you in forever, which is most likely my fault...
I saw it and will write back later today
the personal life is beautiful what little there is of it. the stern grove shows have been exceptional. too bad all my weekends have been one day.
the funk brothers were good but there was only one and it took a little minute for the rest of them, the new blood, to come along and warm up. on ce they got it rolling there was...
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good, and thanks
awww... dude FIX it then, no?
this morning sucked. i worked fucking hard today too. any shit got sweated out in the heat. i was hungover for a work day. i didn't even drink like the old days....
last night rocked. i had friends calling me long distance with sick and twisted birthday songs filled with darkness and death.
i had sweet renditions via ph. locally. i went to the street...
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good lord, you love your food..........i can almost smell and taste that shit............sounds like you had a good b-day!!