Ah well, finally a day off...
New job's going ok. It's difficult being the new boy, especially going in as assistant manager, but the guys there are so cool that i think it'll be fine. They're close-knit, but not a cliche. It'll probably easier once the new manager starts as well.
Off to mess about with guitars with my mate in York today. Might be the start of a scratchy-punky band (think it's gonna be a bit like Therapy?). Was gonna see The More I See afterwards at Cert18, but not sure if it's even on. Thought RSJ would be supporting them, but apparently not.
Guess who i'm off to see at the Cockpit on Sunday...
...hilarious...got a spare ticket if anyone wants to buy it...
btw, does anyone have any good remedies for being bloody tired all the time? I need energy!
Take it easy peeps
New job's going ok. It's difficult being the new boy, especially going in as assistant manager, but the guys there are so cool that i think it'll be fine. They're close-knit, but not a cliche. It'll probably easier once the new manager starts as well.
Off to mess about with guitars with my mate in York today. Might be the start of a scratchy-punky band (think it's gonna be a bit like Therapy?). Was gonna see The More I See afterwards at Cert18, but not sure if it's even on. Thought RSJ would be supporting them, but apparently not.
Guess who i'm off to see at the Cockpit on Sunday...
...hilarious...got a spare ticket if anyone wants to buy it...
btw, does anyone have any good remedies for being bloody tired all the time? I need energy!

Take it easy peeps
If you're off to the Spin Doctors, watch out for the support band David R Black - they're "showbiz mates" of mine (well they did a gig for the band agency I co-run) and therefore rock.
I never get involved with our posse's side projects, dammit. You're all biased against me just because I'm untalented.