i have to tell y'all about my trip to the opticians...
i went along to my new local specsavers to sort out my contact lense mail and also get an eye test done to check-up my eyes. i wander down when it's my appointment and sit around in the waiting area. suddenly i hear this sweet little voice call my name and i look up to see the cutest optician i've ever seen. i mean totally cute
she was short, way petite, and had shoulder length blonde hair hair-clipped across her fringe. in a figure hugging ribbed brown turtle neck and matching tartan short rahrah pleated skirt. this'll make the test go faster i thought
she was nice and pretty and everything about her...her general air...was attractive. nothing too sexual for me though - just cute, pretty and attractive style and look. i sit down in the testing chair and look across at her more closely (hell, i could see better now than with her not walking in front of me to the room! lol)...then it struck me...she had full-on teeth braces...

- one of my lesser known but actually most horn-inducing fetishes (braces on women i may add). you can only imagine my reaction. i was talking to her at the time and i'm sure she noticed me see them and hesitate slightly. my heart honestly started beating a little quicker. she was also a lot more beautiful up close. we went through the test and stuff and she was chatty, i was chatty, we kinda flirted/joked a little. it was all good and nothing too over-the-top. then it came to the bit when she checked the back of my retina with the magnifying-handheld-lightspot thingy - "I may get a little close now" she said. She took off her glasses - and in a totally cheesy secretary-taking-off-her-glasses way she suddenly seemed so much more sexual. it was fine until the bit were she was right in front of me...right up close...she was one of these people that don't really breathe through their noses (she might've had a cold) and her breathing through her mouth was rhythmic, heavy and directly onto my lips and nose...her breath smelt so sweet...it felt like it was dragging me in...i had such a massive urge to just kiss her...i so wanted to, more than anything...but knew i couldn't.
my heart was pounding so hard by now.
then she finished and leant back and moved to the side. we chatty about eyes and things (!) and it was time for me to go. i said "See ya later" but in the usual way. i might see her next year i guess for my check-up. otherwise i won't.
totally true story guys. am i happy for that little experience? maybe. makes me sad? no. makes me frustrated? yes.
moving on, moving on.
i went along to my new local specsavers to sort out my contact lense mail and also get an eye test done to check-up my eyes. i wander down when it's my appointment and sit around in the waiting area. suddenly i hear this sweet little voice call my name and i look up to see the cutest optician i've ever seen. i mean totally cute

my heart was pounding so hard by now.
then she finished and leant back and moved to the side. we chatty about eyes and things (!) and it was time for me to go. i said "See ya later" but in the usual way. i might see her next year i guess for my check-up. otherwise i won't.
totally true story guys. am i happy for that little experience? maybe. makes me sad? no. makes me frustrated? yes.
moving on, moving on.
Not hated and ignored... I just haven't had anything to say about the relatively few questions you have asked since you got back. 'Twould have been a boring comment for me to say that I don't think about super-heroine costumes, and it might have been interpreted as implicitly dismissive of the concept. With regard to specific clothes, about all I can think of off-hand is that I am rather partial to see-through tops (without bras). I'll see if I can dig up an example, but it might take a bit of time as my other computer has been down for some time.