People people people!!!
How's tricks m'friends?
I'm finally officially a Doctor of Psychology!!! Still sticking with stats job of course....
I have muchos news....I finally got to order a Wii the other day! Yay, yay, yay. Still not arrived but will be ace. Gonna get Dragonball Z so that i can look like an idiot doing the special moves for real. Ha ha.
Everton beat Fulham 4-1 yesterday which was also ace. And Box of Lies have played a great gig, have new recordings going into final mix (which sound very very Maiden) and a production company wants to make a video for us. Exciting.
Unfortunately, since i've managed to clear my ear problem up, this weekend (when all the above has happened...) has seen my knee get all arthritus ridden. I can hardly bend it. Put this together with the fact that i haven't got an appointment to see the consultant anymore and i'm not happy. I'll explain....
Me: I've never received an appointment and was ringing to see why.
Hospital: Let me never turned up to the appointments on 5th & 12th of February Mr Fraser.
Me: I was never told about them that's why.
Hospital: We sent letters out.
Me: You said you would ring me.
Hospital: Oh, we never do that Mr Fraser.
Me: <Sigh> Well where did you send the letters?
Hospital: Belle Vue Rd
Me: I haven't lived there for a year.
Hospital: That's what we were told by your GP
Me: But my letter went to the right....oh, anyway...
Hospital: What this means is you have to....
Me: Can i make an appointment now?
Hospital: No - because you missed the appointments you have been released from the system.
Me: Euuurrrggghhhh - so i have to go all the way back to my GP...
Hospital: Yes - get re-refered as what you....
Me: Yes, yes, thankyou VERY much
Miffed? Just a bloomin' tad!!!
So on this Easter Weekend of Jesusness - i am lacking faith. More than ever i am seeing with the good comes the bad. Maybe i should follow Taoism, Yin and Yang, coz that's how i really feel stuff works. I always have - but now more than ever...
Take care and keep talking to me people! It makes my day!
btw - i'd be a Hawk or summat for a fursona - soaring gracefully, ready to pounce on opportunities, watching what everyone is doing....not like a creepy stalker or voyeur...well maybe
I'm in total agony with my knee now. i'm allergic to antiinflammatories and my painkillers are doing naff all. i would say "say a prayer for me", but i'm past believeing that'll help
How's tricks m'friends?
I'm finally officially a Doctor of Psychology!!! Still sticking with stats job of course....
I have muchos news....I finally got to order a Wii the other day! Yay, yay, yay. Still not arrived but will be ace. Gonna get Dragonball Z so that i can look like an idiot doing the special moves for real. Ha ha.
Everton beat Fulham 4-1 yesterday which was also ace. And Box of Lies have played a great gig, have new recordings going into final mix (which sound very very Maiden) and a production company wants to make a video for us. Exciting.
Unfortunately, since i've managed to clear my ear problem up, this weekend (when all the above has happened...) has seen my knee get all arthritus ridden. I can hardly bend it. Put this together with the fact that i haven't got an appointment to see the consultant anymore and i'm not happy. I'll explain....
Me: I've never received an appointment and was ringing to see why.
Hospital: Let me never turned up to the appointments on 5th & 12th of February Mr Fraser.
Me: I was never told about them that's why.
Hospital: We sent letters out.
Me: You said you would ring me.
Hospital: Oh, we never do that Mr Fraser.
Me: <Sigh> Well where did you send the letters?
Hospital: Belle Vue Rd
Me: I haven't lived there for a year.
Hospital: That's what we were told by your GP
Me: But my letter went to the right....oh, anyway...
Hospital: What this means is you have to....
Me: Can i make an appointment now?
Hospital: No - because you missed the appointments you have been released from the system.
Me: Euuurrrggghhhh - so i have to go all the way back to my GP...
Hospital: Yes - get re-refered as what you....
Me: Yes, yes, thankyou VERY much
Miffed? Just a bloomin' tad!!!
So on this Easter Weekend of Jesusness - i am lacking faith. More than ever i am seeing with the good comes the bad. Maybe i should follow Taoism, Yin and Yang, coz that's how i really feel stuff works. I always have - but now more than ever...
Take care and keep talking to me people! It makes my day!
btw - i'd be a Hawk or summat for a fursona - soaring gracefully, ready to pounce on opportunities, watching what everyone is doing....not like a creepy stalker or voyeur...well maybe

I'm in total agony with my knee now. i'm allergic to antiinflammatories and my painkillers are doing naff all. i would say "say a prayer for me", but i'm past believeing that'll help
But thanks for your input in my blog!!
I hope you update yours soon.