Back in town after sunning myself on the Hawaiian beaches for a week. It was a good time for a break. I didn't do anything very exciting, but that was kinda the point. Saw a few movies, ate some good meals and ran the marathon. For a first try it went well, but I could have done much better I think with a few small adjustments (lose a bit of weight, do more hill training, start closer to the front so not to get stuck behind all the turtles for a few miles). It was pouring rain for most of the race, but the temperature was perfect. The huge incline on mile 25 was truly brutal though, I walked it, but still finished pretty much right at 4 hours. I'm just getting over the soreness now (4 days later), but I am injury free and will try running a few miles later on today.
Now that the marathon is over, I am looking forward to drinking and eating anything i want thru the end of the year before I go back on the program! I plan on being at the fuckabout on Saturday and I hope to share a few drinks with you all then. At some point, I may have some pictures to post as well.
Now that the marathon is over, I am looking forward to drinking and eating anything i want thru the end of the year before I go back on the program! I plan on being at the fuckabout on Saturday and I hope to share a few drinks with you all then. At some point, I may have some pictures to post as well.

Thank you! I can't wait! 

how was the rest of your weekend? you holding up ok darlin? i'll come and get you for a day of bowl-a-rama if you need me to.