As many of you who know me well already know, I've been running quite a bit lately to lose some weight and be healthier. This morning I ran my first competive "race" of any kind, EVER. The weather was perfect, no wind, 60-65 degrees. The scenery was beautiful (it was on the lakefront from Fullerton to Bryn Mawr). I did really well, WAY better than my goal. I am pretty sure my time for 10 miles was right around 1:20 (8 minute miles).
Now I'm off to scarf some breakfast and then to the Sox game with Apexxx. Then later a consult with cornink on my next work of body art.
I'm really looking forward to the CD Exchange on Friday. Hopefully the weather will be as nice as it is now.
Now I'm off to scarf some breakfast and then to the Sox game with Apexxx. Then later a consult with cornink on my next work of body art.
I'm really looking forward to the CD Exchange on Friday. Hopefully the weather will be as nice as it is now.

thanks for your thoughts on kitty..
What is Patrick setting up for you?