As you all know, I spend most of my year planning and then talking about my vacation. This year will be slightly different (not sure if better or worse) in that I am taking 2 1-week vacations instead of 1 2-week vacation. At the least, I can spend more time planning. Below are four pix of my destination this April. First one to guess the country gets a beer on me at the Meet n' Greet on Friday (or the next time I see you).
In other news, I am just getting over a cold. It was probably brought on by overwork since I could feel myself getting run down more and more as last week progressed. It's on the upswing now though.
Lots of other things happening to make me happy. The White Sox have started spring training and I've already got tickets to three games in April. The Masquerade Party I am helping host is coming up, on March 24th. Check out Masquerade if you are still thinking of attending. Also, some great shows coming up, Neko Case, Norah Jones (w/ M. Ward), Blonde Redhead, Bright Eyes, Alejandro Escovedo, TV on the Radio among them.
Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the reasonably nice weather!

In other news, I am just getting over a cold. It was probably brought on by overwork since I could feel myself getting run down more and more as last week progressed. It's on the upswing now though.
Lots of other things happening to make me happy. The White Sox have started spring training and I've already got tickets to three games in April. The Masquerade Party I am helping host is coming up, on March 24th. Check out Masquerade if you are still thinking of attending. Also, some great shows coming up, Neko Case, Norah Jones (w/ M. Ward), Blonde Redhead, Bright Eyes, Alejandro Escovedo, TV on the Radio among them.
Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the reasonably nice weather!

so how should i go about gettin the Sox tix from ya? i could drive over sometime this week, or come out to the Map Room Tuesday night for free dinner 

yes, it was so nice to see you too. you look wonderful, and i'm glad you're well. have fun on your vaca & i look forward to hanging out at the wolves game!