It was great birthday weekend for me, mostly shared with the ultra-cool SG Chicago folks.
Thanks for all the well wishes, free drinks and good company. For the itinerary, check out Apexxx's journal. Movies, live music, alcohol and White Sox victories, what more could ya want? Too bad I forgot my camera or I'd post some pics. I even managed to get like 12 hours of work done, without feeling like I spent the whole weekend doing it.
Not much happening this week, so maybe a chance to recharge and chill out. I finally got conned into setting up a myspace page, same handle as this, so come bother me if ya like.

Thanks for all the well wishes, free drinks and good company. For the itinerary, check out Apexxx's journal. Movies, live music, alcohol and White Sox victories, what more could ya want? Too bad I forgot my camera or I'd post some pics. I even managed to get like 12 hours of work done, without feeling like I spent the whole weekend doing it.
Not much happening this week, so maybe a chance to recharge and chill out. I finally got conned into setting up a myspace page, same handle as this, so come bother me if ya like.

i can't come tonight.. i already have dinner plans after class.. sorry 

there's something going on in my tree house next week? lol really? well, someone should let me know when so i can make sure i'm actually there