Inspired by the lovely shicawgo
A - Age of your first kiss:
10 years old. Mary Henessey in a game of Spin the Bottle. There were others that same day, but that was the only "real" kiss. She later became my first girlfriend, although it was all pretty innocent.
B - Band(s) you are listening to right now:
Puscifer and the Underworld: Evolutions soundtrack in...
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A - Age of your first kiss:
10 years old. Mary Henessey in a game of Spin the Bottle. There were others that same day, but that was the only "real" kiss. She later became my first girlfriend, although it was all pretty innocent.
B - Band(s) you are listening to right now:
Puscifer and the Underworld: Evolutions soundtrack in...
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Hi folks! Sorry I've been out of touch since my vacation. Work was backed up to the ceiling, and we are still, still, still working on the possible sale of my company, which has had me back and forth to Boston 8 times since Thanksgiving week.
First of all, thanks for caring and I didn't mean to not be on SG at all during this...
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First of all, thanks for caring and I didn't mean to not be on SG at all during this...
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Hope you'll make it out to the Xchange party on Saturday/ Take care. =)
Hope you'll make it out to the Xchange party on Saturday/ Take care. =)
lol... they know me so well...

Hola from Cartagena! Plenty of pictures when I get back, but Im too lazy to download anything now. The place is equal parts colonial Carribean (like Trinidad maybe) and Colombian. Great weather every day and live music everywhere you go.
I miss you folks though, it strange being so offline for an extended period of time and not being able to know what all of...
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I miss you folks though, it strange being so offline for an extended period of time and not being able to know what all of...
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WTF!! where are you?

jesus man, where the hell are ya?
Do you believe in love at first sight? Honestly, about 99 percent of the time, I think it's a stupid question that's inherently false, even despite my previous experience which you'll read about in what follows.
About 13 years back it actually happened to me. I met someone, and just instant felt as if I knew who this person was from one look into her...
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About 13 years back it actually happened to me. I met someone, and just instant felt as if I knew who this person was from one look into her...
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i just hope that kissy face is for Ghetto Fabulous Oxalis Slither and not Macktastic Apexxx Slim. holla!

that was actually one of the first tracks i ever made, not really one of my favs anymore musically, but i love the concept of the song. that was an interview with ronald and nancy reagan, that i spun around to sound like drug addiction instead of prevention. i'm currently looking for some bush quotes to go to town with, but being on dialup makes it a beeotch. also appearing in that track are eleanore roosevelt, some random mafia movie quote, and peewee herman
I'll get to the lyrics once i get into my own place and setup my studio. some of my live recording shit got fucked up in the flood, so i have to buy some new shit, but a lot of those songs on the CD have lyrics already, it's just a matter of recording them. i also have about 10 other tracks that are done and just need some fine tuning, and about 15 others that are in the works.

I'll get to the lyrics once i get into my own place and setup my studio. some of my live recording shit got fucked up in the flood, so i have to buy some new shit, but a lot of those songs on the CD have lyrics already, it's just a matter of recording them. i also have about 10 other tracks that are done and just need some fine tuning, and about 15 others that are in the works.
Dude, can we be friends?please? It's just that I'm really lacking in friends who's names begin in "L"'s getting hard to handle and the only solution, as far as I can tell, is you.
lucky bastard! they wanted me to be a baton twirler, but i had to turn down the offer.

So, I take 2 hours off yesterday afternoon to go to a doctor's appointment (I needed a yellow fever immunization and a scrip for malaria meds for Colombia). By the time I get back to the office, they've fucked up sooooooooo much stuff that it took me until now to fix all the problems (yeah, that's 15 hours). Wow, these people are gonna really have...
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Hell yeah they did it. I am safe, I actually wound up at quencher's for the game, per my brother's request. I almost passed out from the shock, relief, pure beauty, etc...of everything. it was awesome. i've been waiting 22 years for this. 

you are so funny..
um.. i'm a huge astronomy freak, so i know what a brown dwarf is
and my question for you is (becuz that picture is fucking awesome!) where in the universe is this "new galaxy" located? inquiring minds want to know

um.. i'm a huge astronomy freak, so i know what a brown dwarf is

Seriously incredible sports weekend here in Chicago. 2 World Series wins for the Sox, Bears win, Northwestern wins, Bulls win preseason, hell even the Blackhawks won.
Otherwise the weekend was exactly what I needed, mostly spent doing virtually nothing. Friday was SG Burlesque, which was underwhelming, but the company was great (loads of SG peeps). Otherwise, the rest of the weekend was spent reading, watching...
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Otherwise the weekend was exactly what I needed, mostly spent doing virtually nothing. Friday was SG Burlesque, which was underwhelming, but the company was great (loads of SG peeps). Otherwise, the rest of the weekend was spent reading, watching...
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refreshed is good.
missed you last night
hope you have a wonderful day...

Ever get the feeling that NOTHING you're doing in life is working, despite your valiant attempts? Unfortunately this is one of those weeks for me. It's not so much depressing really, since life has plenty of ups and downs, but damn is it mentally draining. I've literally had a total of maybe 10 hours of sleep all week too, which is never good for the...
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I'm in Philly all week. I will email Artgentina stuff this week. Have some $1 beers for me.
Super thanks for the ticket!!!

Unfortunately, I missed the CD exchange on Saturday night.
Sounds like a great time was had by all, and the mixes sound so fucking awesome.
Instead, I was at the Dresden Dolls concert at Metro (with a radio hooked into my ear so I could still listen to the White Sox
). After seeing them three times now, I have definitely decided that they are...
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Instead, I was at the Dresden Dolls concert at Metro (with a radio hooked into my ear so I could still listen to the White Sox

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haha!! thanks 

What's new over there?

6:04am - You open your eyes, and you're riding on an elevated train. Unrecognizable scenery rushes by and your first thought is "where the hell am I, and why am I on this train?". As the fear and panic rises in you it gets worse. Not only do you not know where you are, you don't know who you are. You have no memories whatsoever,...
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Did you like Bad Guy (Nabbeun Namja)? It's probably my favorite movie of all time. All of my friends hated it.
yeah man ill be out. we need to have that celebratory beer after all! 

6:04am - You open your eyes, and you're riding on an elevated train. Unrecognizable scenery rushes by and your first thought is "where the hell am I, and why am I on this train?". As the fear and panic rises in you it gets worse. Not only do you not know where you are, you don't know who you are. You have no memories whatsoever,...
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i wanna see that film.. i wonder if it will still be playing next week??? we need to have dinner together.. i have lots i want to talk about my interesting friend
What would I do in a situation like that? Well, if i had retained any sense of my current conscious thought.. oh shit.. um.. now i'm having the snowballing effect with thoughts.. i have mixed feelings about it now.. at first i thought i'd be appreciative, and excited about being able to "start over".. but now that i'm thinking about it, i really like who i am today... which is directly related to the experiences that i've lived.. and i would no longer have that.. omg.. i could write 3 pages on this one...

What would I do in a situation like that? Well, if i had retained any sense of my current conscious thought.. oh shit.. um.. now i'm having the snowballing effect with thoughts.. i have mixed feelings about it now.. at first i thought i'd be appreciative, and excited about being able to "start over".. but now that i'm thinking about it, i really like who i am today... which is directly related to the experiences that i've lived.. and i would no longer have that.. omg.. i could write 3 pages on this one...
I've been checking out some pretty interesting flicks at the Chicago International Film Festival this past week. Here are my personal mini-capsules of the 3 movies I've seen so far...
"Kissing on the Mouth" is a pretty frank and interesting slice of early 20s sexual relationships made by some young Chicagoans who, between the 4 of them, do all of the camerawork, acting, writing and...
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"Kissing on the Mouth" is a pretty frank and interesting slice of early 20s sexual relationships made by some young Chicagoans who, between the 4 of them, do all of the camerawork, acting, writing and...
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did you see the game tonight?
yeah.. that's quite different... cuz i actually wanna hang out with you guys!
and i don't feel used and abused after spending an evening with you guys. the sexual harassment at the bar is graded, not discouraged! LOL!

how about quenchers, this friday? all the cool kids will be there