Well Tuesday went well. Work is over and I'm scrambling for something to do...might watch Resivore Dogs(sp) Not sure since I still need to eat supper.

Tomorrow is the day for my design to be finished at the tatoo place ...keep your fingers crossed.

Just got confirmation for the weekend on the 17th...Metallica concert!!!!! biggrin

Take it any way you can get it,
I hate Mondays....but atleast it means Fridays will arrive that much quicker. Plus this Wed is when I talk with my Tattoo artist and see how things are going.

What mysteries will this week hold??

D. robot
Hmmm ...the end of the week went well. Friends are converging on my house, very cool. Only until the 6th until I see how my tat is shaping up.

Plus another year older tomorrow. Yippee!
But shaving itches!!! wink

And yes, you should vote for Kerry... isn't it grand living in a swing state? Every day who we are leaning towards voting for changes.

Happy Birthday!
Found out everyone around me seems to have a serious problem in their life...I'm wondering if I'm next.. frown
Glad to hear about your nipples and i know from seeing your nipples from the pics you have on here they do in fact look great!!

That just totally cheered me up. wink

The acupuncturist is interesting. I started going last fall (mid-November) for my then-daily migraines that I get every fall/winter (I honestly think it's got something to do with either the environment in PA or Bush being president, as they started the winter he got elected). Originally I was going every week, but even after my first appointment I felt almost 100% better. I was at the point where I was migraine free for several months, and giong for maintenance visits just once a month. The last month has been hellishly stressful due to a lot of various online drama and because I tend to bottle up my anger and frustration, I am all-but back at the point I was at last fall. Today's appointment helped a lot, and hopefully with the new pills I am taking the migraines will stop again. At the very least, I do have a wonderful massage-therapist husband who loves to take care of me when I hurt, so if the pills don't help, his rubbing does. love

The shakiness earlier was from the caffiene in the Excedrin... I am not used to the crap anymore (with the exception of tea, I don't drink anything with caffiene in it, and even the tea has been a rarity lately). I would almost kill for a Mointain Dew right now, but I know how much it made me feel like shit, so I just reminisce about the taste of them when I want one... it is usually enough. biggrin
hmmm.. I t could be both the environment and Bush... seeing as how he didn't help it any! The bastard.
Not much new today...thinking about starting to smoke..not sure why just wanted to see why so many smoke. Beyond that work is work and the weekend is that much closer. robot
Smoking is nasty. I did it for a few years, then one day came to my senses. wink

Will have to talk with the people at Transcending Flesh... I got my nipples pierced there, and love their shop. smile
Not sure about smoking....all i'm getting from it is dizzyness...might be a bad fit... robot
Hey all,
Just joined and wanted to say hi. Plus today I'm not sure what I'm doing with myself. Might check out contacts for myself and sneaks.
Can't wait for tonight ...going to a preformance of a Jazz musician.

I've also thought to chronical my coverup. The one that is my picture is how it looks now. On the 9th of October Is a confab...
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Who's doing your coverup work? I have a few I want covered, and need to find someone local who does good coverup work.
A guy is Lancaster City is designing my coverup at Transcending Flesh....he'll have something to look at on the 9th ..can't wait biggrin