Hey all,
Nothing new on the tattoo ...hit a crossroad where i needed a new computer....but its all good since the new computer is freakin' awesome!!!
Hope everyone is doing well,
the sleeping pills are needed for this little insomniac while living in an off-campus college apartment with thin walls. I have trouble drifting off in a window-free basement without a sound! I'm not a fan of Lancaster, too confusing to get in and out. Plus there's like, 5 streets named after the same fruit. No offense or anything, it's just that despite it's problems, I'll stick with york.
Nope my name isn't lancaster but where I live is called Lancaster, PA
Haven't had a chance yet to get a picture of my shading of my tattoo yet. There's always something going on but getting a digital camera would solve things. Anyone have a spare credit card they're not using?
I don't think all the rain (or attempts at rain) this past week helped much... it even looks like it's going to rain right now (just looked out the window, there's a rather gloomy haze in the sky).
Heading out to A.C. today for Halloween...wooo hooo..
My tat is doing better ...hasn't been itching much but i've been itching for some color. I wanted to wait a bit so finances could come together but we'll see.
Found a free photo editing program online and have been able to change the size of the pics to under 100kb ...that was fun.
These new ones should give you an idea as to what it looks like.
The whole process took about 3 and a half hours...during which my brother was there watching and laughing everytime I jumped when a nerve was hit. lol... Read More
Just got back from a pretty good weekend at my dad's....not much else is going on. A personal ad woman is looking hopeful...but we'll see.
Last week didn't happen as far as seeing my tattoo ..but this Wed it should be ready and I'll be just stopping in to see it.
Hope everyone is doing well