Once upon a time in a town 3006 miles away lived a teenage girl who dreamed of one day meeting her prince who would sweep her off her feet, love her wildly, and show her many exciting wonders of the world. She longed for someone to live, laugh, and grow with. A love inseparable, irrevocable, indescribable, a love that enveloped you in a sense of warmth, love and care unlike any other. Her life, void of a love such as this, sat in her tower waiting for her time. Many unworthy princes had come and gone, but none had truly loved her as "her soul" would... the others just wanted to spend a season with the young dreamer...
... Then one day a false prince from the past re-surfaced in the impressionable girls life, longing so much for the love he promised her, she left her family and all her safety 3006 miles behind her. He took her to a dark forrest filled with vipers, lies and excruciating pain. As time passed the young girls eyes were opened, prince she longed for was the embodiment of evil...a true dark prince. The dreamers light flickered faintly, her soul was dying. He cast her out once he was done destroying her spirit, mind and sense of self... she fought to save her soul...
... With much love and care from her friends the young woman emerged from underneath the rubble of heart, sprung a well of life and pressed forward with a unshakable sense of self. She surrounded herself with amazing life friends who soon turned into her beloved family. As the young woman traveled through life she encountered a breathtakingly beautiful rainbow of souls... each one gave her a gift to carry with her, an so she did...
... Through her journey she happened upon a soul that embodied everything she yearned for... her prince perhaps? This price, an amazingly kind, loving, caring, sweet, soul; always stirred a sweet feeling for this young dreamer. A bit confused, alarmed and excited by her heart pangs she stepped out off the ledge of love to see if he would catch her... he did! Over the next season their love, although tested grew like the tree of life, unconditional, unbreakable, utterly undefinable... true. A peace washed over her body... this was her soul... So indescribable was the feeling he gave her, at times not able to utter anything but I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU! He filled her with excitement and tranquility... he was her one true love... Shooting stars filled their night sky, a ball of fire flies lit their days... so in love, so sure, so pure. Love grew stronger, life became one, they are living happily ever after... the story lives on breathing, gaining gifts from another rainbow of souls, times may come when life may shake their soul ... they are ready. An overwhelming sense of contentment and warm fuzzy caterpillars fill their chests! The two souls feel at home in each other... finally ...
Happy one year anniversary my love.
... Then one day a false prince from the past re-surfaced in the impressionable girls life, longing so much for the love he promised her, she left her family and all her safety 3006 miles behind her. He took her to a dark forrest filled with vipers, lies and excruciating pain. As time passed the young girls eyes were opened, prince she longed for was the embodiment of evil...a true dark prince. The dreamers light flickered faintly, her soul was dying. He cast her out once he was done destroying her spirit, mind and sense of self... she fought to save her soul...
... With much love and care from her friends the young woman emerged from underneath the rubble of heart, sprung a well of life and pressed forward with a unshakable sense of self. She surrounded herself with amazing life friends who soon turned into her beloved family. As the young woman traveled through life she encountered a breathtakingly beautiful rainbow of souls... each one gave her a gift to carry with her, an so she did...
... Through her journey she happened upon a soul that embodied everything she yearned for... her prince perhaps? This price, an amazingly kind, loving, caring, sweet, soul; always stirred a sweet feeling for this young dreamer. A bit confused, alarmed and excited by her heart pangs she stepped out off the ledge of love to see if he would catch her... he did! Over the next season their love, although tested grew like the tree of life, unconditional, unbreakable, utterly undefinable... true. A peace washed over her body... this was her soul... So indescribable was the feeling he gave her, at times not able to utter anything but I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU! He filled her with excitement and tranquility... he was her one true love... Shooting stars filled their night sky, a ball of fire flies lit their days... so in love, so sure, so pure. Love grew stronger, life became one, they are living happily ever after... the story lives on breathing, gaining gifts from another rainbow of souls, times may come when life may shake their soul ... they are ready. An overwhelming sense of contentment and warm fuzzy caterpillars fill their chests! The two souls feel at home in each other... finally ...
Happy one year anniversary my love.

congrats, that actually made my eyes start to water. Stay happy and in love
