Gurrrrrrr I get on her and see all these newly pink girls and I wish I had the money to get my piece of shit chest piece fixed so I could be one of those newly pink girls!!!!
Well I finally got internet again and I am so happy to be back on SG I missed it. I lot has happen scents the last time I been on here but I don't really feel like talking about it right now so yah, but once again I am so happy to be back on SG!!!
I know it's been like forever scents I have posted but I am back to not having internet again. Got to cut down on the non essential's. Cuz I am trying to find a new club to work at and I got to save up 800.00 so I can go to China with my Boo. He is in Mississippi right now visiting family and I... Read More
I am back n San Fran visiting my moma and having fun!!! I will post pictures and shit when I get back!!! Hope all is well with ever one ells and your having fun living life, like I am!!! Take Care Every One!!!
Love always, Lamiea XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
I really need to start posting more often and commenting on other peoples blogs that I have in my friends list!!! I am so slaking when it comes to SG. I need to get my shit in gear not just on SG but in life in general. I need to figure out what I want to do with it. I am suppose to be getting... Read More
Well I now have internet Yah!!! I have found a job but I don't make shit but hey something is better then nothing at all. Well that is all 4 now!!!
Love always, Lamiea
Sorry I have not been on in a while no longer have inter net can't ford it right now. I really can't afford any of my bills got in bad reck and have not been able 2 work in three months but I am on the job search right now so hopefully that will change. Love always, Lamiea xoxoxoxo
Sorry I have not posted anything in a while I no longer have internet nothing as changed everything is still just as crappy as it was in my last post was. So Take Care!!! always, Lamiea
Well I am finally back from Florida I am still bumed that I didn't get to spend New Years Eve with my boy now it will be another three are more months before I will get a change to see him again. Witch all so means it will be another three or more months before I get laid witch fucking sucks going six months with... Read More
Well I did not get to see boy wich fucking sucks cuz now I am stuck spending new years eve with my grandpa down on the beach. Which means I so can not wear the dress I bought 4 new years cuz its a little to riskay 2 be wearing around my grandpa so I think I am going to con him in to buying... Read More