so last week, was an interesting one. I played spin the bottle for the first time, that was fun. I met some lovely people from the sgny group, i kissed a suicide girl & hopeful, and I found a bar that will serve me 32oz of bud light for $4. magical i know. i also met up with some friends during the week to drink after work. that was fun until the creepy dudes came flocking, since it was thursday around 8 I thought me and my friend would be safe but i guess crazy has no time limit. I even had a crazy homeless woman come up to me while i was waiting for my friend outside the bar and she asked my why i looked annoyed and then asked me for money. I swear i think i'm some kind of magnet for the crazy and creepy. The only good that comes out of it, is I usually get a decent story or two out of it. I also worked my not so little butt off last week. I worked so much I didn't get my 1/2 day on friday, but I'm not too bent out of shape because that just means more money when my paycheck comes, so woo hoo to that. My weekend was pretty low key I mainly slept and perfected the art of laziness with a few bouts of productiveness. And today was pretty much just filled with work and me buying crap of the internet while at work. So nothing to crazy has happened yet but it is only monday.
Now its time for the music and photo portion of the blog ( aka me being slightly vain and forcing my music on your ears)
robyn = awesome. I love the video and the song.
my twilight sickness
here are 2 songs that I like the most from the soundtrack
and the alejandro video... i love it but its not for everyone.
no funnies this week, all my shows are off at the moment so maybe next week I'll find a funny to post.
and now its time for the visuals
Now its time for the music and photo portion of the blog ( aka me being slightly vain and forcing my music on your ears)
robyn = awesome. I love the video and the song.
my twilight sickness
here are 2 songs that I like the most from the soundtrack
and the alejandro video... i love it but its not for everyone.
no funnies this week, all my shows are off at the moment so maybe next week I'll find a funny to post.
and now its time for the visuals
Hope everyone had a safe and fun weekend, and I hope this week works out well.
thank you and it was great meeting & kissing you too! and we should definitely hang out again, i'll even travel to manhattan. 

Sounds like I need to play spin the bottle with you