hmmmm monday, you come ever week but oddly enough you aren't entirely always the same. This monday I overslept which is always a bummer because I HATE being late for things even 5 mins. And on top of being late for work a little bit, it was raining. BLAH, I very much dislike the rain especially the drizzly kind. Either man up and rain all the way or go away. But once I got to work, I had plenty to keep me busy, I was the master mutli-tasker today. Fixing shirts, preparing my pages for bookmaking tomorrow, emailing people left & right, and finally steaming... Steaming, my least favorite thing in the world today. Why you might be wondering, who hates steaming? You can stand there listen to music, ponder the meaning of life and do a little dance if you should choose to all at once. But while all these endless possibilities are occurring so is the underlying elephant in the room. Steam - hot ass air water that can burn the shit out of while your busting a groove to vampire weekend. And that is what happened to me, as a matter of fact it has happened every-time I've used that devil machine. So far at work steamer 2, Morgann 0. I hate when unsophisticated devices get the best of me.
But once I was done with the devil steamer I went on twitter and saw Aziz Ansari's tweets about him watching Twilight for the 1st time, hilarious! "WHOA. Can anyone that has long scraggly hair in this movie turn into a wolf? That's dope! Why do people hate on this movie???!" Love it!
So goodbye monday you didn't completely bite it.
But once I was done with the devil steamer I went on twitter and saw Aziz Ansari's tweets about him watching Twilight for the 1st time, hilarious! "WHOA. Can anyone that has long scraggly hair in this movie turn into a wolf? That's dope! Why do people hate on this movie???!" Love it!
So goodbye monday you didn't completely bite it.