Experiencing excessive frustration today; need a really long walk; finished pynchon's V., no longer have an obsessive distraction; reading the paper and smoking cigarettes is no substitute; coffee doesn't seem to help either; finally did taxes today in preparation for FAFSA, accompanied by fear and self-doubt; last week's adrenaline-rush of school has evaporated, leaving in its wake a sickly-weak feeling, and an inability to concentrate; relationships with flesh-and-blood people including but not limited to the romantic/somatic prove, as usual, complicated and unnerving; obsessed with the diamond bordered by the front hip bones, belly button, and top of pubic bone; sun is bright enough to burn, so I sleep past noon.
More Blogs
Friday Jul 02, 2010
Fair Weather This level reach of blue is not my sea; Here are swe… -
Saturday Jun 06, 2009
Just bought tickets to NYC (thence to Montreal) for end of July. The … -
Thursday Jun 04, 2009
Windy city. WTF? It's June - summer time. Spring wind go away! On… -
Wednesday May 20, 2009
The girl got bumped back a day flying standby from Austin. ETA 12 hou… -
Saturday May 16, 2009
wow. all done. made it through the finals meatgrinder. the sense of … -
Friday Apr 24, 2009
grading papers makes boy unhappy. potential for ladytron album purc… -
Monday Apr 06, 2009
Woke up at 6 am - the earliest in 6 months maybe? Spent the day in th… -
Thursday Mar 26, 2009
It's cold and gray here again. I miss spring, again. The hops vines… -
Tuesday Mar 17, 2009
this isn't my blog anymore. my blog is now at http://blog.x14n.org. … -
Tuesday Dec 12, 2006
no more s.g. for me ---> I don't have internet at home anymore …
i'm sorry i hadn't written back yet, but i planned to... maybe i'll do that now instead of finishing up here....