Looking around in here, which has become something like a little fishbowl that I swim around in, it seems like there's been a great flood of updating, a kind of slowly spreading mania full of dreams and images and stress and revelation.
When I can watch ten or twelve people each doing their own individual thing, reading journal entries and posts for example, I feel like there's a clear pulse or rhythm amongst everyone.
It reminds me of brainwaves, which are made by a big "stadium" of individual neurons/nerve cells that "stand up" together like a crowd wave, and the calmer we are the more our neurons work together and communicate clearly and the more "coherent" our brainwaves are.
Yes, coherent is a technical term refering to waves. I see waves on SG, amongst my corporeal friends, talking to family on the phone, and I see a big fat coherent one going on right now. Maybe it's waxing mood, approaching solstice energy? Who knows why... I'm about spent though, and ready to crash and sleep for DAYS.
When I can watch ten or twelve people each doing their own individual thing, reading journal entries and posts for example, I feel like there's a clear pulse or rhythm amongst everyone.
It reminds me of brainwaves, which are made by a big "stadium" of individual neurons/nerve cells that "stand up" together like a crowd wave, and the calmer we are the more our neurons work together and communicate clearly and the more "coherent" our brainwaves are.
Yes, coherent is a technical term refering to waves. I see waves on SG, amongst my corporeal friends, talking to family on the phone, and I see a big fat coherent one going on right now. Maybe it's waxing mood, approaching solstice energy? Who knows why... I'm about spent though, and ready to crash and sleep for DAYS.
YEAH, it's definitely me. I think it runs in my family.