Hello, my darlings ! This week, the merry topic ☺️ I'm still a spender and a lover to spend money, but over the years, I began to be more serious about choosing purchases! I'm a terrible shopaholic, I can go to the store for milk and come back with a bunch of clothes😂but my most ridiculous waste of money was in the years when I was at the institute! I started working at the age of 16, I myself paid for my education, my expenses! Working for three years, I saved up the car, later I took the right and went to the showroom to choose a brand new car! When I arrived, the salon told me that it would be available in about three to four months! From frustration, I went shopping! Disorders as there was no😆because the floor of the amount I left in the stores 🤣🤣🤣 I'm a spender and I admit it 🙈 now I try to keep myself in hand! The car still appeared later😎Thank you @MISSY & @RAMBO for interesting homework topics!
kiss you😘