Hey there everyone-pyon! With this blog I want to share you some of my Halloween cosplays and suggest you some ideas for you costumes! Ready... Go!!
1) Cheshire cat - if you're a disney fan and want to be cute but also creepy, the cat from Alice in Wonderland is what you need for your Halloween!!
2) Nurse - to quote Mean Girls "in girl world..." what's better than a sexy demon/vampire nurse? You can also enrich with accessories such as fake blood bags, or fill them with pomegranate juice! Red and sweet flavor, it will seem like you will drink blood!
3) Doll - here's my "two faced doll" to represent cute side and creepy one! You only need a lolita dress and give vent to you imagination!
4) Nun - sisters full of sin, can you feel the horror vibes? Let yourself be carried away by your most fetish fantasies and bless all your faithful friends!
5) Hazbin Hotel characters - do you know this show? Haha I guess so, it became very popular in recent months and why not pay homage to its most perverse characters during the scariest and funniest night of the year?
6) The witch - classic and underrated, but with the right tricks you can amaze all your friends and be the most original witch of the party!
7) Little devil - just as Santa has his elves, why not imagine that the devil too could have little devils as assistants?
8) The succubus - last but not least, an androgynous-looking demon who seduces and makes its victims subject to the succubus' will.
Thank you for having read until this far! What's your favourite costume? I did this post because I'm organising a masquerade party for Halloween night with my friends and the only rule to be accepted at the party is wearing a costume! What's you plan for the creepiest night of the year? 🎃