Well, as I, and we all, say goodbye to 2005, I feel I'm on the brink of something great - more doors continue to open, roads beg to be explored and serenditous encounters lead to infinite possibilities...
- Travelled quite a bit in 2005 - met a lot of new friends from far and wide, as well as others from my past who appeared out of the ether.
- Was assigned my first column "Famous Model," which ran weekly, and led to a book deal: "Contents Under Pressure" due out in March of 2006 from Black Cat Press; a collection of short stories loosely based on my crazy exploits as a child born into a showbusiness family in Las Vegas, running with carneys and dirt race track burnouts, motocross riders, embracing my white trash musician vaudevillian hukster heritage, tales from the darkside of haute couture - having modeled in NYC, Chicago, Paris & Milan and the subsequent seedy underbelly I uncovered in that realm...
- In 2005 I let go of a lot of my grief in a symbolic ceremony at the Burning of the Temple out at Burning Man (08/05). I fell madly in love with Black Rock City, a place that helped cleanse my soul and restore my faith in humanity. Not to mention, I made a lifelong friend and cohort in crime in the process.

and that's only the beginning... Starting 2006 right by moving to a beautiful new home. I have a great SG set I'll be shooting in January/February that is HOTTTTT. Top Secret. Ssshhhhhhhhhhh...
Overall, for all my emotional turmoil and woes, 2005 was a pretty damn good year indeed. 2006 is going to be AMAZING!!!!! Let's hope I get to go on a book tour that will take me (expenses paid) to visit all my friends from all over... it's a real possibility!!!

2006 - may it provide more serenditous events that lead to even greater things, for you and yours and mine and ours and I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly... Boy you been a naughty girl, you let your knickers down.

Hope to see all of y'all who will be at Stasia's. If not, we will hook up in the new year.
P.S if that made no sense then understand I've had a few curiously strong ments.
[Edited on Jan 01, 2006 3:40AM]