What is it about me that attracts every freak in the universe?
Because I LIKE FREAKS. That has to be it. I find odd people very interesting and amusing. I amuse myself quite often. 2+2=FREAK. Do the math.
Talented people are often freaks and I seem to have taken on the role of Freak Muse. An online friend of mine from Georgia, who is a very talented painter, is doing a series of paintings of me from a collection of self-portraits I shot. Another online friend who is a really good cartoonist just surprised me with a second caricature of me. He posted it in his blog. I had no idea he was doing it. He did another one awhile ago, but I knew he was working on that.
Do I give off some freak pheromone or something? How could this be if some freaks find me over the internet? Do words emit pheromones?
Apparently so. Over the last couple of weeks, another guy (27, VERY cute and LOCAL), out of nowhere starts emailing me... then sends me naked pictures of himself. This is the second time within the last month a guy has sent me naked photos.
Mr. Local 27 initially sent me an email telling me: "I want to let you know how incredibly turned on I was after reading a few of your stories this evening." Okay, that line is a direct path to a writer's heart. I'm extremely wary and jaded, however. I'm being extremely cautious, since I've already learned my lesson by believing things people say which may or may not be intentionally manipulative.
My friend who is painting a series of me, is from Georgia, so there is the safety of distance. He is a little obsessed with me... okay, he's a lot obsessed with me, but he's a very, very talented painter and very sweet, hilarious and politically active. With him, though, I had known him for awhile before he sent me his naked photos. Mr. Local 27 sent them to me out of nowhere. This would have freaked most women out, but no, not me. I became intrigued. I like da freaks. Oh yeah, then there's my friend from London who is obsessed with my bum and is constantly sending me pictures of his own bum and his penis.
Speaking of my London friend, he was playing around with some facial recognition software and apprently my bum came up with the match of Christina Ricci...
One last freaky thing. On yet ANOTHER online community I'm active on (it's the last one, I promise - there are only 3), I received a friend request along with an invite to an interesting NYE party. Even though I really didn't like the movie Eyes Wide Shut, that is the theme of the party.
I accepted the invitation, but I don't think I'll go. Or I may stop by at the beginning of the party and then duck out to go to my buddy Wendy's party, which is really where I want to be. We'll see...
I plan on heading out the week of the ... 17th? The weekend or Monday before Christmas. If the weather permits. Of course, the weather may keep me there. But yeah, I hope to get up there around that time. Peoria area though, is my first stop. Then up into Chicago a bit, and back into Lansing. Hell, I'm just kinda 'fly by the seat of my pants' when it comes to these things.
I may have to get my jeep.