Quick update: Went to the 15th anniversary of Raw Bar here in Schitcago. Great time. Sat with a table of 3 strangers who we (that is, me & my date) REALLY hit it off with: A couple in their 50s: the woman was a dancer, cute and petite - 55 years old - honey colored skin - wore her hair in this great salt-n-peppah, Diana Ross-ish, heavy-in-the-back bob and these huge, hip tinted glasses, with a skin tight, turquoise top with matching fluid pants - damn this woman had it goin on! - her husband who kept winkin at me (heh!), and their friend who had junk in the trunk and all the funk to back it up. Dammit! They were all such a blast. There were a couple of belly dancers, the first one tried to drag people from the audience up to dance with her... no one would... until she got to me. Never afraid of making a jackass of myself, I of course joined her (it didn't hurt that I have 14 years of dance training) and we brought the house down! It was totally fun - awesome! Prolly pretty damn sexy to watch from the audience pov too. At the end of the night, the DJ was totally all over my action... coming out to dance with me then running back to change up the songs - hahaha! Cute guy - 27, dark black skin w/ long dreads, great smile. I have his card. Hmmm...
A little jungle fever, anyone?
