Although I am just coming down from my "harem" phase. I think I'm sexually hyper-active. It's been about a month since I last had sex... that is a reeeeally long time for me. Except for when I was married. I set my record at 3 months then, but that was right before I blew outta there. Then it was sex almost everyday for a year & 1/2... yeesh. What's a girl to do? Besides the obvious...
Now that you mention answering the question, I bet my doc has seen "The Face." Cause ya know, I ain't picky. They just fall out of the sky for me. And you thought I was a dreamer. I'm not dreaming, I'm watching.
I guess it's pretty bad when doc does this during my appt. He leans on the cabinet, pooches out his stomach and says, "You caint find no man? They's at one of them there bars all the time. Take one home, let 'em slap ya 'round a coupla times and he'll luv ya ferever."
So you know someone else in London eh?