Am I the only noob without a blog? Looks like I am. Well.......guess I better write something.
So I applied to be an SG recently and was rejected
Im planning on reapplying, since Ive seen that some girls get accepted on their 3rd try (ok so Starshine is the only one Ive seen but she gives me hope!) Im not sure what to do differently this time, Im thinking better pics although I hear they dont care about the quality in the application. Oh well, cant hurt to try.
School starts up again in 3 motherfuckin weeks!!!
Its gonna be an interesting semester. In case anyone cares, Im taking neuropsych, social psych, analytical methods in psych (stats), and an education course for children with special needs. No more lazy days at the computer......
So I applied to be an SG recently and was rejected

School starts up again in 3 motherfuckin weeks!!!

I took some psych courses in university, before I got sick. Dropped social psychology because the prof was extremely anti-porn and the type of prof you had to either agree with or kiss good-bye to good grades.
I never got a chance to take the neuropsychology courses, which looked so amazing.
I dropped stats because I had an A average. Yeah, I know that makes no sense - I'm a severely depressed schizophrenic, not a lot does.