I desperately need some relationship advice and not the kind of advice I can get on the internet. My situation is much too complicated to explain in full, and all I get from friends and coworkers is conflicting advice based on their own past relationships.
I'm seeing a cognitive behavioral therapist right now, and she has been very helpful... Read More
I just wanted to see how everything was going with you and the ex and if you were feeling any better? I know I have days where I am fine with me and the ex not being together and days where it is pretty rough.
Cognitive therapy is awesome. I've gone through it for years and years now. Some therapist are better than others and will help you based on whether you need things fixed right away. Some seem to just want to always start from the beginning and work their way up, and that CAN work, but it doesn't seem to help problems that are needing a fix sooner rather than later.
Thank you for the kind words about my kitty. And no I wasn't in North Beach last night. I was sleeping on my couch. It must have been my evil twin. Next time you see her she must be destroyed
Anyone else get depressed after having a lot of fun the night before? I have a huge issue with this. Its like coming off of drugs, but with no drugs to blame for it! Ever since I was about 12 Ive had this thing where I always wake up in the morning after having a good time and either start crying or nervously jump out... Read More
For those that read my last blog, that whole experience still has me terrified. I feel a bit stupid because I know some people get panic attacks all the time, or have worse problems, so I shouldnt complain. At least Im still doing... Read More
I'm good! Good to hear things are better than the journal would indicate! I was actually up in your neck of the woods this week. Can't say I enjoy the drive up the east bay but berkeley seems cool
Some background info: I saw a psychiatrist on monday, got some supposedly "tame" meds for general anxiety. So I immediately started having all the bad side effects such as difficulty sleeping (felt like I was on coke), restlessness, and higher anxiety. The doc told me they should go away after the 1st week but....
I'm sorry to hear about your horrible experience. I've taken so many strange drugs for anxiety and depression that I can't tell you how many times I've had the same problems. Currently I'm on Celexa, which is working great for me. Hydroxyzine was BAAAD, and so was Zoloft. If you find someone to re-wire your brain, let me know, I desperately need it too. I hope you're feeling better love...
I have the worst luck. Or maybe I just make bad decisions. Ok, today its a combo of both. So I decided today is my last attempt at shooting a set until winter break (I just started school and I really cant fuck up my grades for this). So I had a light breakfast, a little coffee, and then decided to have a shot (ONE... Read More
Just visited my piercer to confirm that my 2nd eyebrow piercing is indeed rejecting again. I was told to wait a bit, see if it heals up, and if not, take it out. Hopefully the 3rd times the charm? I figure eventually I should build up enough scar tissue to hold that damn thing in there!!!! Fuck. I love it so much and I dont... Read More
That is the cutest picture! Thanks for the birthday wishes...
Set wise good luck. I'm proud of you! Since you won't be able to do another until December you could always turn this set in if it comes out halfway decent and even if it's rejected you can get advice on what to fix and it'll help you count down those three months before you can send in another
waaaahhhhh Im having so much trouble getting lighting together and school starts next week - I will never have time to make a good set I just went out and bought some new lights - one halogen 100watt flood light and a regular 200watt bulb that I stuck in my cheapo lamp. I either get way too much light and look like a blurry ghost,... Read More
Actually no, well not really anyway, the bottom one kinda acted up a little but the top one healed in about a 6 weeks and the bottom one about 8. Not long really, I'm quite proud :p It's because theyre literally eyebrow jewlerry, so they heal a bit faster than the bioplast stuff they use for surface piercings. At least I think that's why.
No, it's not my husband that's in the military but my father was. We moved around a lot that it just became a part of my life. The longest I ever stayed in one place was when I lived in MA for 9 years. Beyond that we moved anywhere from 6 or 8 months - 3 years. Staying in one place, for me, is too hard and that's what my husband wants. I always feel caged. I know I need a permanent place but I also need to be able to travel, especially since I don't have any friends where I am.
Really I can't blame him, it's not his fault. It's my issue that I need to work through and figure out. Hopefully it'll happen sooner rather than later!
FUCK YEAH!!! I applied again today, and I made it! I am so freakin excited Thats all I have to say for now. Thats all I can think about. Now I gotta get a set together...........
Ok just thought of something - if I do become an SG, I have to file it on my taxes. Problem is, I dont do my taxes.......my mom does... Read More
Am I the only noob without a blog? Looks like I am. Well.......guess I better write something.
So I applied to be an SG recently and was rejected Im planning on reapplying, since Ive seen that some girls get accepted on their 3rd try (ok so Starshine is the only one Ive seen but she gives me hope!) Im not sure what to do differently... Read More
I took some psych courses in university, before I got sick. Dropped social psychology because the prof was extremely anti-porn and the type of prof you had to either agree with or kiss good-bye to good grades.
I never got a chance to take the neuropsychology courses, which looked so amazing.
I dropped stats because I had an A average. Yeah, I know that makes no sense - I'm a severely depressed schizophrenic, not a lot does.
Thank you for the kind words about my kitty. And no I wasn't in North Beach last night. I was sleeping on my couch. It must have been my evil twin. Next time you see her she must be destroyed