It's MARCH now! Spring is here at last ^__________^
It's still cold most days, but there have been a few "OMFG WARM SUN" days lately


it's a 3 story, 3 bedroom house in Poncanna, in the nicest most beautiful area of Cardiff - right around the corner from the house I grew up in till I was 12

The place is messy because the other people are moving out still, so all the photos I've taken don't look the best... but these are a few sneaky previews:
Pretty nice, huh?
In other news, my sister has been doing so well lately - she recently got signed to a record label and has her own manager now, I saw her play at the Millennium Centre in Cardiff Bay on monday:
I'm SO proud of everything she's achieved so far, and can't wait to see how good things get for her in the future!
Oh, and I had to have my chest dermal anchor cut out on wednesday I'd knocked it a few times in the past couple of months and it was raised out of my skin quite a bit but it still held in pretty good. But then Joe nearly ripped it out accidently when we were messing around the other day
it hurt like fuck!
So it had to go! My face just before Joe cuts it out, haha!
I had a T-bone steak for the first time in my life. Joe's cooking is fucking heaven.
Oh yeah and...
I'm going to see Passion Pit and Ellie Goulding in Manchester tomorrow
We can't stop shopping around for furniture and talking about what plants and flowers should go where, what room would THAT thing would look best in etc
I don't actually miss my anchor as much as I thought I would - towards the end of its life I kept catching it so many times I'm quite relieved it's gone to be honest!
I'm gutted though because that chest microdermal was how me and Joe met - it's really sentimental