Sometimes it really sucks being a single guy. It seems I have the worst luck in the world when it comes to trying to find someone. Generally when I finally find someone I like a lot usually the circumstances of life interferes (i.e. she is in a relationship or I am about to leave or move away, its usually the latter of the two though). There generally are so many stigmas attached to being single as wel it seems especially when you go out like you are only looking for one thing. I am not going to lie, yeah some part of me is looking for sex, cause let's face it I have been on the move the last couple of months and finally I am in a somewhat sedentary situation and my arm is getting tired. Where are all the smart and nice single girls at!?
More Blogs
Wednesday Dec 27, 2006 getting a rather large and intricate tattoo...the only probl… -
Tuesday Dec 26, 2006
Xmas is over finally! Made out like a bandit as always! Take care all… -
Sunday Dec 24, 2006
Somehow I got suckered in to going to midnight mass.... damn my good … -
Saturday Dec 23, 2006
Holiday shopping with my ma! -
Friday Dec 22, 2006
Ugh I have a head cold.... but at least I am finally home! -
Monday Dec 18, 2006
I am going on leave!!!! I haven't been home to se my family now for l… -
Saturday Dec 09, 2006
Holy shit! It's been a while. I have been too damn busy with the Army… -
Saturday Nov 11, 2006
Sorry, that it's been so long since i have updated my blog, but I hav… -
Saturday Oct 28, 2006
Ugh.... I am finally here in Oklahoma. I am am glad to be done drivin… -
Friday Oct 27, 2006
I really hate driving... but oh well. I am now is some small town in …
Hope all is well in military land...And I know what it's like..My now x is down in San Antonio at Lackland Air Force Base for 3 months..Hopefully in that time he will figure shit out..