I've been dealing with A LOT, like more than you could imagine. As some of you know, I was apart of an alternative modeling company called Sins Girl, but I have officially terminated my involvement with them. It was brought to light that they are very bigoted and discriminatory against trans women, and said some very horrible things. This is not the only reason I've left. The whole company is disorganized to shit, and no one is making any sort of effort to fix any of these problems. When I first started managing, I managed 30 girls. But so many brand new models are coming in and being appointed "executive managers" that I went all the way down from 30 to 2. I talked to Jerry (the founder and my old manager) about this many times, and even though it has been promised to be fixed, weeks have gone by and nothing has changed. I've also been promised spots on all the different executive tables, but when the list came out I was only on one. There's supposed to be all of these events coming up yet there is never any information on them despite my countless efforts to find out more. Everyone that is or was involved in Sins can all tell you a story like this. But this isn't the worst part. It has been brought to light that Jerry Hardluck (AKA Gerald Severino) has been sexually harassing and even inappropriately touching MANY of the young models he worked with. He not only hits on models all the time (he did this to me, too) he also has coerced young models to do "secret nude shoots", forced models to kiss other girls and take their tops off even when they cried, tried to convince two 17 year olds to have sex with him after bringing them to his basement and getting them drunk, and even tied up and sexually abused models. I guarantee that if you ask any model that was involved with Sins Girls, they will tell you that Jerry has made them feel uncomfortable many times. I can sure say the same. I will not condone any of this behavior by staying any longer, and I am doing my best to bring these huge issues into the public, because even though Sins Girls is pretty much done for at this point (they've lost 80% of their models, almost all of their photographers, plus their vice president and executive staff) the thought that new models will be brought in while being promised all of these amazing things just like we all were but have no idea what their in for makes me physically sick.
Luckily, some good has come out of this horrible situation. After I made everything public, hundreds of models and photographers left, and now the company is destroyed. I used to create a magazine for Sins Girls entirely on my own, so a photographer friend of mine came up with the idea of starting my own alternative modeling magazine, one that is safe, professional, and does not discriminate against anyone. All of the ex Sins Girls banded together to help create Rebelle Magazine. It was absolutely amazing seeing all of these girls support one another. You can like Rebelle's facebook page HERE