The date went not so well. I ended up not going on the day as originally planned. Something told me to just not go and one of my friends that knew him, he as well said if i were you i wouldn't. Then the other day I gave in and just went to a movie with him. He's cute and everything but I just wasn't feeling it. I am too stuck on my ex. I have no idea where its going either, we spend a lot of time with each other and still have strong feelings for one another. I guess only time will tell. Maybe I should just let things happen on their own, which I have done lately. I kinda like it, but its whatever. Relationships are so complicated. I wish things could just go how I wanted them to for once. I am going to try and get another set going soon. Anyone have any ideas they would like to throw out there that you would like to see. I might just pick yours for a photoshoot. I know I am not as beautiful as her, but with my long hair (and I have went even longer now...i need to take pics to update) I have been getting called Megan Fox...hahaha. She's a beautiful girl, but I couldn't quite see it. Oh well, a compliment nonetheless.
Its rained every single day since Monday, I kinda like it. It's relaxing and makes me super lazy. School starts the 31st. Looking forward to it I guess. I'm ready to get into my major classes though. I am taking fashion merchandising which is my second minor so I am pretty excited about that. Hope everything goes well for me this fall semester. I will be another year older in two months. woooo! ha. Another year to start fresh.
Hope everyone is doing well!

Its rained every single day since Monday, I kinda like it. It's relaxing and makes me super lazy. School starts the 31st. Looking forward to it I guess. I'm ready to get into my major classes though. I am taking fashion merchandising which is my second minor so I am pretty excited about that. Hope everything goes well for me this fall semester. I will be another year older in two months. woooo! ha. Another year to start fresh.

Hope everyone is doing well!

I know what you mean about relationships, although I do wish I was in one now... I think it's a common situation.
Roll with your head... if you want to do something or don't want to... well, listen to your head. Relationships shouldn't work out because you force them to, they're supposed to be something that clicks. So if you just go with the flow and it works... awesome. If it doesn't, maybe it's not really meant to be, eh? Not saying that relationships don't take effort, but when hearts and personalities just click while on the fly... it's an amazing thing! It means you get to be chill and be yourself all the while having a great significant other to be with!
Now... to find me that lucky lady.