Alisa came over last night after she got off work. we watched "Audition" (for those that you dont know its one of the best japanese horror flicks) . After that we went out for Thai. And let me tell you... Im a pro at japanese food... but Thai is something I have not even touched... AND HOLY SHIT DO I LOVE IT!!!!! She says "You'd better learn to love it... you'll be eating a lot of Thai from now on" (could that be a look into the future!?) Alisa is the girl I should of had back when I was dating amanda for 2 and half years. Im going to strive to hold onto this one.
After that (round 12:30) walked back to the subway and like little birds finaly were holding hands (that sounds real cheezy but hey! im taking it slow! i dont want to scare her off!!) But still that her and I we like each other. And that rocks!!!!
Tonight we are going to go see "The Incredibles" And after that I dont know what. (should i give her a kiss later tonight??? Maybe I'll wait till I take her to see "The Phantom of the Opera. But then again... I CANT RESIST THAT GORGEOUS FACE OF HERS!!!
Needless to say... Its going really really really good. And I oculdnt be happier.
She rocks.
Wish me luck with this one.
Alisa came over last night after she got off work. we watched "Audition" (for those that you dont know its one of the best japanese horror flicks) . After that we went out for Thai. And let me tell you... Im a pro at japanese food... but Thai is something I have not even touched... AND HOLY SHIT DO I LOVE IT!!!!! She says "You'd better learn to love it... you'll be eating a lot of Thai from now on" (could that be a look into the future!?) Alisa is the girl I should of had back when I was dating amanda for 2 and half years. Im going to strive to hold onto this one.
After that (round 12:30) walked back to the subway and like little birds finaly were holding hands (that sounds real cheezy but hey! im taking it slow! i dont want to scare her off!!) But still that her and I we like each other. And that rocks!!!!
Tonight we are going to go see "The Incredibles" And after that I dont know what. (should i give her a kiss later tonight??? Maybe I'll wait till I take her to see "The Phantom of the Opera. But then again... I CANT RESIST THAT GORGEOUS FACE OF HERS!!!
Needless to say... Its going really really really good. And I oculdnt be happier.
She rocks.
Wish me luck with this one.

Dude, any girl who can sit through "Audition" with you and still wants to hang out is a keeper. That movie is probably the worst date movie ever, so she must really like you.
enjoy it..