Ello Ello out there!!!!
So New years came , and I want to tell you I feel refreshed !!!! 2010 was not my year and I feel like this year is actually a clean slate for me ! I've never felt like new years resolutions were something to stick to , just thought it was a tacky thing no one ever stuck to , but I feel like I actually believe this time !
I'm in the process of eating better , and exercising ! I already did a demanding workout today and have been doing little exercises lately! I cut out pop and am eating more veggies !! I'm actually proud of myself!
What Did you do for New years ?
I spent mine with my friends & TurboTime! I got drunk but not wasted , didn't fight .. so I was good ! haha
So I did one of the things off my new years list ... well a couple ,
I took more baths with more people , and I'm laughing alot more !!!
Anywho its pic time :
I'm dreaming of pink elephants....

So New years came , and I want to tell you I feel refreshed !!!! 2010 was not my year and I feel like this year is actually a clean slate for me ! I've never felt like new years resolutions were something to stick to , just thought it was a tacky thing no one ever stuck to , but I feel like I actually believe this time !
I'm in the process of eating better , and exercising ! I already did a demanding workout today and have been doing little exercises lately! I cut out pop and am eating more veggies !! I'm actually proud of myself!
What Did you do for New years ?
I spent mine with my friends & TurboTime! I got drunk but not wasted , didn't fight .. so I was good ! haha
So I did one of the things off my new years list ... well a couple ,
I took more baths with more people , and I'm laughing alot more !!!
Anywho its pic time :
I'm dreaming of pink elephants....

wishing you the best in 2011
Sounds like we're on the same track for 2011. Best of luck in sticking to your resolutions. Maybe we can keep each other in check