Dear life,
Why must you make me feel like a complete failure in every aspect of the word?
there is no one , there has been no one , i am no one ...i am pathetic for thinking i could have people around me who care.
I am dishearten destroyed and discontent with my surroundings of a so called life.
The intimate relationship is fine , it's the friendships that keep me drowned in sorrows.
I'm utterly alone , he is there but he is not the same.... I'm quickly fading into a black abyss of epitome
This is never ending ... it happens everytime .. i am the back up , i am the one who is there , the one who listens , who cares , who helps , then after my deed is done they toss me on the side of the road like trash... i am nothing
nothing to them , nothing to life , NOTHING!
i hate this illuision of everything being so real, fake " o your so cute , i like you" no you say so because i have the larger piece and when i give the piece to you , the words and feelings suddenly change...
I'm beggining to think this site isn't meant for me , this life isn't meant for me , and these "expectations" i devised for myself are no longer relevant....
I am Jack's broken heart
i feel dismay , i feel like a never ceasing panic attack .... i feel hurt , i feel extreme anger , i feel disappointed i feel like i should feel no more , .......
I am nothing that wasn't there before
Why must you make me feel like a complete failure in every aspect of the word?
there is no one , there has been no one , i am no one ...i am pathetic for thinking i could have people around me who care.
I am dishearten destroyed and discontent with my surroundings of a so called life.
The intimate relationship is fine , it's the friendships that keep me drowned in sorrows.
I'm utterly alone , he is there but he is not the same.... I'm quickly fading into a black abyss of epitome
This is never ending ... it happens everytime .. i am the back up , i am the one who is there , the one who listens , who cares , who helps , then after my deed is done they toss me on the side of the road like trash... i am nothing
nothing to them , nothing to life , NOTHING!
i hate this illuision of everything being so real, fake " o your so cute , i like you" no you say so because i have the larger piece and when i give the piece to you , the words and feelings suddenly change...
I'm beggining to think this site isn't meant for me , this life isn't meant for me , and these "expectations" i devised for myself are no longer relevant....
I am Jack's broken heart
i feel dismay , i feel like a never ceasing panic attack .... i feel hurt , i feel extreme anger , i feel disappointed i feel like i should feel no more , .......
I am nothing that wasn't there before
I'm sorry. I felt like destroying something beautiful.