Here's another problem i'm facing this month!
I lived in this house and every since i moved in , there has been nothing but trouble , the outlets sparked all the time , the fuses are old bus fuses that kept blowing, the one outlet melted my extension cord, the bath was clogged and we asked her to get someone to snake it and and she hadn't, the light switch would shock us not just a lil static electricity , i'm talking bout actually shocking you like volts. O and let me not forget the window sill pouring when it rained. It rained inside and destroyed our flat screen tv and playstation 3 .
My boyfriend and i moved out the beginning of the month of july as she asked us to leave early, plus i wouldn't take us living in that mess any longer.
WEll i just received a letter in the mail from her stating she would take me to court unless i paid $1,904 .
Here's what shes saying i owe her for:
Unpaid rent for july( we moved out july 6th our lease was up july 31rst)
cleaning charge
new carpet (which shes claiming is soaked with urine)
lawn mowing charges (she had the neighbor do it )
Garbage removal
Unpaid utilities (which are in her name)
washer repair (which was working perfect before we left)
I didn't get my security deposit back , which was 1150
she said she subtracted and from that she got the total $1904 to still charge me
Is this fair ? Can she do this and get the money from all this? Can i counter sue for my damages?
I'm sick of being a slave to my life , and letting my problems take the reign... it feels like every step i take theres a hidden unfortunate event planning out my misery.
There's no winning , i try and move closer to what i want and all i get is sucked back into a tornado of doom , i'm stuck in this everlasting feeling of spiraling down a to my death. i can't express myself properly, i never can these days , the stress of life has taken over and i've become another victim it feeds off , it's friendly host that its always eating away at till soon there will be nothing left of me but pain and angst , and that so far is the path ahead.. i can't feel joyous anymore when all i can think about is whats behind this door of revoked opportunity. My life feels like one big dismissal , one huge rerun , one mistaken glance at glory , it's just the epitome of disgrace and low reguards. I'm like one of the shows that you can't believe thats happening and better off them then me type saying.
I'm rambling , i do this very well .. ugh i'll stop while i'm ahead , too much to read doubt anyone will read it through
I lived in this house and every since i moved in , there has been nothing but trouble , the outlets sparked all the time , the fuses are old bus fuses that kept blowing, the one outlet melted my extension cord, the bath was clogged and we asked her to get someone to snake it and and she hadn't, the light switch would shock us not just a lil static electricity , i'm talking bout actually shocking you like volts. O and let me not forget the window sill pouring when it rained. It rained inside and destroyed our flat screen tv and playstation 3 .
My boyfriend and i moved out the beginning of the month of july as she asked us to leave early, plus i wouldn't take us living in that mess any longer.
WEll i just received a letter in the mail from her stating she would take me to court unless i paid $1,904 .
Here's what shes saying i owe her for:
Unpaid rent for july( we moved out july 6th our lease was up july 31rst)
cleaning charge
new carpet (which shes claiming is soaked with urine)
lawn mowing charges (she had the neighbor do it )
Garbage removal
Unpaid utilities (which are in her name)
washer repair (which was working perfect before we left)
I didn't get my security deposit back , which was 1150
she said she subtracted and from that she got the total $1904 to still charge me
Is this fair ? Can she do this and get the money from all this? Can i counter sue for my damages?
I'm sick of being a slave to my life , and letting my problems take the reign... it feels like every step i take theres a hidden unfortunate event planning out my misery.
There's no winning , i try and move closer to what i want and all i get is sucked back into a tornado of doom , i'm stuck in this everlasting feeling of spiraling down a to my death. i can't express myself properly, i never can these days , the stress of life has taken over and i've become another victim it feeds off , it's friendly host that its always eating away at till soon there will be nothing left of me but pain and angst , and that so far is the path ahead.. i can't feel joyous anymore when all i can think about is whats behind this door of revoked opportunity. My life feels like one big dismissal , one huge rerun , one mistaken glance at glory , it's just the epitome of disgrace and low reguards. I'm like one of the shows that you can't believe thats happening and better off them then me type saying.
I'm rambling , i do this very well .. ugh i'll stop while i'm ahead , too much to read doubt anyone will read it through
I have the attitude as well that it seems everything turns against me at times. I don't know what I ever did to this world but hahah, jeeez. Anyhow, hope you enjoy my ranting and I hope your situation will get better. Did I mention the 5000 medical bill I am being charged for and all I got was one lousy Zanax out of it. No medical report, no "hey you are fine or you are dying". No copy of any labs or EKG, just a whopping bill because I didn't have insurance but made the mistake of going to the ER due to chest pain. A sign of stress I might add.