i have finally come to the realization of why i haven't had a girlfriend in 4 years! it's not because i'm a bad person, or i'm unattractive, it's simply because there isn't a girl in this entire world that's good enough for me! that's it! it's gotta be! i mean, why else wouldn't an attractive, talented musician, who's going to pharmacy school to make $100,000 a year, drives a new celica, and goes out of his way to make everyone else happy not be dating someone? ....oh ....wait, yea there's the fact that girls like dumbfucks who treat them like shit, drive big noisy-ass diesels, and parade around in abercrombie and fitch sporting their new faggy blonde highlights they got at some trendy-ass salon. fuck it, i'm turning celibate.
I'll be emailing directions to everyone this week.
if you get a chance, reply to the email i send you
because i'll probably have to do it at work
and i stay of SG while i'm on the clock.