Journel, journel, journel. I hear it's all the rage. Not one to be left in the dust of the cooler more popular kids, I aim to emulate them and attempt to raise my own status by doing so. I can't imagine that I'll keep it regularly, but wha' eva! So anyways...I just turned 21 on the 9th. Yeah, I know, kudos to me. Had myself a nice relaxed birthday. Some now legal bar drinking, pool, drunken darts (not advisable mind you), and unfortunately a little intoxicated vehicular operations.
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 21, 2010
Holy fucking shit! Two weeks until I commence my trip to Austin. Can'… -
Tuesday Feb 09, 2010
Ugh. Why the hell am I not in Texas already? I can already tell this … -
Tuesday Jan 17, 2006
I finally got my application in for school! I suppose it's better lat… -
Tuesday Jan 17, 2006
Well, let's see. Yesterday started of pretty horribly. I had to open … -
Monday Jan 09, 2006
Yet another failed attempt! If you're still interested in what it may… -
Monday Jan 09, 2006
Failed attempt at posting a strange pic with an interesting story att… -
Friday Jan 06, 2006
Well, well, well. Here I am again. Not too much has changed since the… -
Monday Jan 02, 2006
Howdy y'all! And by "y'all" I mean the void where all the people who … -
Monday Dec 12, 2005
Journel, journel, journel. I hear it's all the rage. Not one to be le…
welcome to the converational world of SG!
hope the birthday was FANNNNtabulous! ♥