Hello everyone! Let me please introduce myself: I am Apple, I'm Italian (Venetian origin, you know polenta and üsei ?! Food is essential in our culture) and I work in a tattoo studio of my city, as Shop Manager. I love to draw, the make-up and all animals, especially raccoons and cats, my Instagram feed is full of them! And I love food, of course.
Suprised? You should have expected this, my forms are not exactly as spindly girls
I love comics and horror movies, especially the Zombie themed ones, I'm definitely obsessed by them
Yesterday my new set has been published, shot by @mel_z and I'm really proud of it. While I'm keeping my fingers crossed I realized that you haven't asked me anything about that so I'm trying to fix it.
Do you have any curiosity? Did you enjoy my set?
If you haven't seen it yet what are you waiting for? Follow the link below!!!