I just saw About Schmidt. I highly recommend it, although I must caveat . . . it leaves you heavy hearted.
Watching parts of it were like watching my own father (who I love dearly), but who exhibits some of the traits I saw in the film after my own mother passed away. This got me thinking on my own tangent: I don't want to end up like Schmidt. I find myself already asking the questions he was asking himself at 66 (yes, I know it's a film . . .) like "why do I do what I do? Does my life have any meaning? Do I make a difference? Will anyone care when I'm gone . . . "
2003. Another year, another chance to move forward, live life.
The hardest part will be not turning away.
I cannot be like Schmidt.
Watching parts of it were like watching my own father (who I love dearly), but who exhibits some of the traits I saw in the film after my own mother passed away. This got me thinking on my own tangent: I don't want to end up like Schmidt. I find myself already asking the questions he was asking himself at 66 (yes, I know it's a film . . .) like "why do I do what I do? Does my life have any meaning? Do I make a difference? Will anyone care when I'm gone . . . "
2003. Another year, another chance to move forward, live life.
The hardest part will be not turning away.
I cannot be like Schmidt.